Exclusive Insider Insights: Michael Peña & Louis Ozawa Reveal Mind-Blowing Revelations from the Set of Jack Ryan Season 4!

Exclusive Insider Insights: Michael Peña & Louis Ozawa Reveal Mind-Blowing Revelations from the Set of Jack Ryan Season 4!

Get an exclusive glimpse into the thrilling world of Jack Ryan Season 4 as Michael Peña and Louis Ozawa reveal their pivotal roles in the hit show Dive deep into the action-packed storyline and find out what makes this season a must-watch!

Michael Peña and Louis Ozawa are set to star in the fourth season of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan. Peña will portray Domingo Chavez, a vengeful and formidable CIA operative, while Ozawa takes on the role of Chao Fah, a significant figure in the latest threat that Jack Ryan (played by John Krasinski) must confront in his capacity as the Acting Deputy Director of the CIA.

Michael Peña & Louis Ozawa Talk Jack Ryan Season 4

: Interview with Michael Peña and Louis Ozawa on Jack Ryan Season 4 and Peña's rumored Rainbow Six spinoff

Exclusive Insider Insights: Michael Peña & Louis Ozawa Reveal Mind-Blowing Revelations from the Set of Jack Ryan Season 4!

Screen Rant: Michael, let's start with you. You are beloved for playing Luis in the Ant-Man movies.

Michael Peña: Right on.

How do you think Luis would describe Jack Ryan season 4?

Michael Peña: Oh my goodness, I would require payment for that. Additionally, you would need to assemble a team of writers for an entire year in a dedicated room. As for the character Domingo Chavez, he is portrayed as an individual embarking on a mission. During this mission, he experiences losses and seeks to uncover the individual(s) responsible for these unjustifiable casualties.

Louis, I recall your appearance in Predators and your extensive resume encompassing various television series and films. For those unfamiliar with your body of work, could you recommend a particular project that people should explore?

Louis Ozawa: Oh, man. Well, the thing that's most current is aside from Jack Ryan - I definitely want you to check out Jack Ryan - Pachinko.

Michael Peña: Oh yeah. So good. Apple.

Louis Ozawa: Additionally, let me share an intriguing gem with you—Kidding. Collaborating with a lesser-known talent, Jim Carrey, this enthralling series aired on Showtime. Personally, this project holds a remarkable place in my heart as I seldom delve into the realm of comedy. Thus, it brought immense delight and satisfaction to partake in this joyous venture.

Exclusive Insider Insights: Michael Peña & Louis Ozawa Reveal Mind-Blowing Revelations from the Set of Jack Ryan Season 4!

Michael, you portray the character of Domingo Chavez, a character from the Tom Clancy books and also featured in the film Clear and Present Danger. Both you and your character are making your debut in the Jack Ryan TV series. Can you shed some light on your characters and their role in season 4?

Michael Peña mentioned that typically, he conducts research on the character to find interesting details that he can incorporate into the show or movie. However, in this case, the research conflicted with the character's actual actions. Therefore, he decided to base his portrayal more on the show itself in order to better fit in. He compared it to being on the show Friends, where everyone has their own comedic style, and he wanted to be part of the team. Particularly in season 1, he felt that he could continue the same vibe.

Additionally, Peña inquired about the current status of Rainbow Six and whether there are plans for a spinoff featuring Domingo Chavez.

Michael Peña: Oh man, I have no idea, dude. You're gonna have to ask Amazon.

But you'd be down for that?

Michael Peña: (laughs) Yeah, that would be awesome. That'd be awesome. But who knows?

Do each of you have a favorite moment shooting season 4?

Louis Ozawa referred to his favorite memory as his last interaction with a certain individual. They had a remarkable scene together and had been indirectly linked throughout the season. Finally, they had the chance to meet face to face in a more peaceful setting, creating a truly memorable moment.

Michael Peña shared his favorite moment of jumping into the ocean, despite his lack of swimming abilities. Although the jump may not have been as daring as it seemed, he was provided with floaties for his safety. Despite feeling nervous, he found the experience enjoyable. In movies, there are occasions where one must participate in activities they don't ordinarily engage in. Going against his usual tendencies of not swimming or going to the beach, Michael took the plunge headfirst, embracing a "what happens, happens" attitude.

About Jack Ryan Season 4

Exclusive Insider Insights: Michael Peña & Louis Ozawa Reveal Mind-Blowing Revelations from the Set of Jack Ryan Season 4!

Check out our other interviews with Jack Ryan, the new CIA Acting Deputy Director, as he delves into uncovering internal corruption and uncovers a series of suspicious black ops that may expose the vulnerability of the country in the final season of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan.

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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan season 4 premieres June 30 on Prime Video.