Exclusive Insider: Discover the Thrilling Depths of the Dreadshore Expansion through an Unforgettable Interview with Meet Your Maker Dev

Exclusive Insider: Discover the Thrilling Depths of the Dreadshore Expansion through an Unforgettable Interview with Meet Your Maker Dev

Discover the secrets of the highly anticipated Dreadshore Expansion as Game Rant delves into an exclusive interview with Meet Your Maker's creative director Uncover major changes, expert tips, and thrilling insights that will leave players on the edge of their seats


The latest content update, Dreadshore, for the building, raiding, and looting shooter Meet Your Maker, has made delving into vaults even more perilous. This update introduces a plethora of new content specifically designed for the base-building player-versus-player gameplay, all within a darker atmosphere.

In Meet Your Maker, players are tasked with constructing massive vaults known as Outposts to safeguard valuable genetic information called GenMat. Additionally, they have the opportunity to explore the vaults owned by other players and pilfer their accumulated treasures. Creative director Ash Pannell from Behaviour Interactive recently discussed the new expansion with Game Rant, which centers around a lighthouse situated on the Atlantic coast in the game's post-apocalyptic setting. The provided transcript has been edited for improved clarity and conciseness.

Q: What was the inspiration behind the creation of Meet Your Maker's Dreadshore expansion?

A: The development team decided to utilize the Sectors as a means to introduce new content updates in a storytelling manner. Set in a world facing imminent extinction, Meet Your Maker portrays a future where Earth has become uninhabitable, leaving only small human tribes surviving outside the safety of the Sanctuary walls. Each Sector represents a different devastated location, with its own distinct tales of survival amidst adversity.

The new environment of Dreadshore draws inspiration from various sources.

Content: The new Dreadshore environment takes inspiration from a range of sources, including classic New England architecture and coastal landscapes. Furthermore, the eerie tales of maritime legends played a crucial role in creating the distinctive and haunting atmosphere of Dreadshore.

Our aim was to transport players to a completely different vibe and feeling. The driving rain and dark, moody aesthetic of Dreadshore offer a stark contrast to the Red Sands. By altering the lighting and atmosphere, we have provided Raiders with a new narrative tool to enhance their levels, while also giving Builders the opportunity to create a fresh narrative experience.

Exclusive Insider: Discover the Thrilling Depths of the Dreadshore Expansion through an Unforgettable Interview with Meet Your Maker Dev

Q: How does Dreadshore capture the spirit and aesthetics of New England?

The Lighthouse Sanctuary was involved in what kind of experiments?


Dreadshore is where an abandoned Sanctuary is situated beneath a lighthouse. Within this sanctuary, cruel experiments were conducted on cloned Advisors. A lone individual managed to escape, eliminating the rampaging Custodian and Chimera in the process.

The new blocks and decopacks symbolize the lighthouse that overlooked this ill-fated Sanctuary. These personalized modifications constitute the remnants of the location, gathered by your Sanctuary.

Nautilus, a character in the Dreadshore expansion, is introduced as the latest Custodian. Previously referred to as Prisoner 671, he was merely a clone destined for the operating table, deemed expendable like all the others.


Prior to this time, his captors assigned him monotonous tasks within the Sanctuary. However, once he began tampering with the computer stations, he discovered their true potential. Covertly, he constructed a suit that could augment his athletic prowess and a weapon with the power to eliminate anyone obstructing his path. Sneaking through a maze of laser beams, the boisterous sound of explosions marked his triumphant escape. Nevertheless, he was not yet ready to depart; he desired vengeance upon his captors, their blood staining his hands.

In the hands of players, Nautilus focuses primarily on defensive weapon capabilities. All three perks significantly enhance the Arc Barrier's effectiveness. This update finally provides perks for players who favor defensive weaponry.

Exclusive Insider: Discover the Thrilling Depths of the Dreadshore Expansion through an Unforgettable Interview with Meet Your Maker Dev

Q: How did you go about rebalancing the ranking tiers?

On June 27th, we made significant changes to the ranking system in order to create a more balanced experience. This involved carefully analyzing player feedback, evaluating gameplay data, and refining the matchmaking algorithms. Our ultimate goal was to ensure that players are matched with appropriately challenging opponents, while still providing a sense of progression and achievement.

The Ranking System has undergone revisions to enhance the progression process, reducing the number of Ranking Points needed for each Rank. Additionally, the requirements for advancing from one Rank to another will now increase more gradually.

Going forward, players will be awarded a consistent number of base Ranking Points for their actions, irrespective of their opponent's Rank.

You will continue to lose more Ranking Points for actions based on your own Rank.

Exclusive Insider: Discover the Thrilling Depths of the Dreadshore Expansion through an Unforgettable Interview with Meet Your Maker Dev

Content: How should an attacker approach the powerful new trap, Sentry Beam?

A: The Sentry Beam serves as an effective area denial trap to immobilize unsuspecting players. With its ability to ricochet off walls, it introduces an element of unpredictability, disrupting familiar play patterns. It is crucial for raiders to exercise caution upon detecting the presence of sentry beams and take a moment to carefully assess their trajectory before making any swift movements.

Content: In Dreadshore, our goal is for players to deeply connect and resonate with the captivating atmosphere and immersive elements of the environment. The combination of coastal themes, rainy harbors, and the rich lore surrounding the region will greatly engage those in search of a revitalizing experience. Furthermore, the introduction of distinctive traps, guards, and gear will present players with fresh strategies and countless possibilities for building innovative bases and conducting raids.

Content: Meet Your Maker has garnered a favorable response from audiences thus far, and Dreadshore looks to expand upon that success. The game's strategic mechanics, expansive creative options, and competitive spirit have resonated with players. Through the introduction of the Dreadshore content update, we aim to deepen player interaction and fascination with its eerie ambiance, gripping narrative, and thrilling fresh content. Additionally, this update will provide players with a clearer understanding of our forthcoming plans to sustain and enhance Meet Your Maker in the coming months.

Exclusive Insider: Discover the Thrilling Depths of the Dreadshore Expansion through an Unforgettable Interview with Meet Your Maker Dev

Q: Are the ways people go about playing as designers or Raiders ever surprising?

A: What are some of the most impressive base designs you have come across?

Content: Players in Meet Your Maker constantly surprise us with their inventive and unpredictable use of the provided tools. They draw inspiration from various movie and video game franchises, resulting in extraordinary and enjoyable Outposts. These creations not only showcase our players' artistic talents but also highlight their deep passion for storytelling and world-building. It is truly amazing to witness how they can take the game's tools and assets and transform them into immersive environments that transport players to other realms and narratives.

The game offers a wide range of possibilities for creativity and strategy, and it is inspiring to see players pushing the boundaries beyond what we initially envisioned. Despite being aware of hundreds of different combinations, our players consistently discover new and innovative ways to design their formidable fortresses. Their ability to do so is truly impressive!

We regularly showcase some players’ amazing creations on our social media pages, you can also find plenty on Reddit.

Exclusive Insider: Discover the Thrilling Depths of the Dreadshore Expansion through an Unforgettable Interview with Meet Your Maker Dev


Q: How do you approach attacking or designing a base?

A: Personally, I take a methodical approach to raiding. I ensure that I have all angles covered and clear a path for my retreat. In case I find myself in a tight spot, I always rely on the Phoenix Pods. It's crucial to understand the mindset of the base's creator and identify any patterns they might have used. By utilizing the available tools, I exploit these patterns to my advantage. If I encounter a particularly difficult challenge, I am willing to roll up my sleeves, access my loadout, and select specialized equipment to overcome it.

Content: When it comes to building, it's all about understanding the perspective of the intruder. I aim to create an immersive experience by strategically placing traps and guards throughout the entire setting. Why? Because I prioritize earning recognition rather than causing casualties (although I do want some of those too), and I strive to collect as many accolades as possible. Additionally, I find joy in incorporating verticality and spacious areas, which means I often construct multi-level structures and balance them with narrow passages.

Q: Anything else you want to add or mention?

Now is the ideal moment to give Meet Your Maker a try if you haven't already! In celebration of the release of Sector 1: Dreadshore, we are currently offering a complimentary trial until July 3rd at 11:59 PM EDT.

The free trial includes the complete base game, as well as the “Sector 1: Dreadshore” content update. During the trial, players will have access to all the features and tools of the game. Any progress or Outposts created during the trial will be carried over if players decide to purchase the game later on, as long as they use the same account they used for the free trial.


Meet Your Maker is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.