Exclusive: Elden Ring Unveils the Epic Return of Dark Souls' Iconic Giant Dad

Exclusive: Elden Ring Unveils the Epic Return of Dark Souls' Iconic Giant Dad

Elden Ring players are uncovering an awe-inspiring build that transforms the Tarnished into the iconic Giant Dad from Dark Souls This legendary PvP character turned popular meme is making a memorable appearance in the highly anticipated game

An Elden Ring player demonstrated a nostalgic approach by transforming their character Tarnished into the iconic Giant Dad from Dark Souls. This custom-built playable character, renowned for its dominance in the PvP mode, has become a beloved meme throughout the years. While frequently utilized by PvP griefers, its effectiveness varies, yet its legacy remains undeniable.

In Elden Ring, players are empowered with extensive customization options to modify their combat style, offering a vast selection of weapons and armor. This game fosters the creation of unconventional builds, resulting in delightfully amusing experiences and the opportunity for players to adorn their characters with eccentric appearances. As a notable example, an Elden Ring player proudly showcased their jar tank build, employing various jar-themed items such as the Jar Cannon, Great Jar's Arsenal, and Beastman's Jar Shield. This build allows the player to summon the aid of spirited living jars during combat.

A Reddit user named Les_Waste shared an image of a player's character in Elden Ring known as the Giant Dad build, discovered in the region called The Lands Between. This build consists of the Olivinus Glintstone Crown and Tree Sentinel armor set, along with the inclusion of the Zweihander and Catch Flame weapons, as mentioned by Elden Ring fans in the comments. Similar to Dark Souls' Giant Dad, this distinctive build focuses on allocating stat points to endurance, vitality, and strength, aiming to create a resilient and agile character.

To acquire and use this build, players must first locate or purchase the Zweihander, a massive sword that mainly improves with higher strength. This weapon can be found in the far west of the Weeping Peninsula. Additionally, the Tree Sentinel armor set is necessary, offering excellent physical and fire defenses. The complete set can be obtained from the Auriza Hero's Grave within the world of Elden Ring. To finalize the Giant Dad build, players should obtain the Olivinus Glintstone Crown, which can be found in the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

With Elden Ring being out for a while now, players have discovered that creating versatile builds is one of the most effective strategies to defeat tough opponents. These builds offer various advantages, allowing players to easily handle multiple targets, enhance their endurance, or even transform the Tarnished into stealthy assassins. The game offers a wide range of overpowered builds to choose from, giving players the opportunity to revitalize their gaming experience. Elden Ring can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.