Exclusive Deadpool 3 Set Photos Unveil Exciting X-Men Surprises

Exclusive Deadpool 3 Set Photos Unveil Exciting X-Men Surprises

New Deadpool 3 set photos reveal mind-blowing X-Men spoilers, surpassing the hype of Wolverine's anticipated cameo

Newly released images from the set of Deadpool 3 have revealed X-Men secrets that extend beyond the highly anticipated cameo of Wolverine. Despite multiple delays, Marvel enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating the upcoming release of the studio's next film.

In 2022, stars Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman confirmed connections to the X-Men world by sharing a promo video of Deadpool teaming up with Wolverine on social media. However, new set photos suggest that the upcoming movie may have even more ties to X-Men than initially expected. Warning: spoilers ahead!

Deadpool 3 leaked set photos confirm X-Men spoilers

According to a report from The Mirror, two iconic X-Men characters are set to make their return in Deadpool 3 – Sabretooth and Toad.

In a batch of recently released set photos, Wolverine can be seen taking on Sabretooth in a physical fight, with Deadpool carrying around his severed head.

Sabretooth made his first appearance in the original X-Men movie and is primarily recognized as the enemy of Wolverine. Over time, the reasons behind Sabretooth's intense hatred for Wolverine have varied, but many Marvel writers and fans are aligned in the belief that Sabretooth views Wolverine as a rival and a threat.

The preview snaps for Deadpool 3 also feature Toad from the X-Men, who is an adversary of the X-Men and was initially depicted as a hunchbacked mutant with extraordinary leaping capabilities.

Details about how Sabretooth and Toad will be featured in Deadpool 3 are currently undisclosed. "Tyler Mane as Sabertooth!! Noooo!! I’m going to push that man’s healing factor to the limit!!" one fan exclaimed on X/Twitter in response to the photos, while another expressed, "I still have hope that Liev Schreiber’s Sabretooth will make an appearance."

"DEADPOOL 3 SET PHOTOS RELEASED AGAIN, WE'RE BACK! They just beheaded Sabretooth," added another commenter.

Deadpool 3 is scheduled for release on July 26, 2024. In the meantime, explore our other upcoming movie and TV hubs below.

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Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan, I am thrilled by the exciting X-Men surprises revealed in the newly released Deadpool 3 set photos. The return of iconic characters like Sabretooth and Toad has generated a lot of buzz among fans, and I can't wait to see how they will be incorporated into the story. The potential for more extensive ties to the X-Men universe is particularly exciting, as it opens up a wealth of possibilities for future films and storylines.

The prospect of seeing Wolverine and Deadpool team up to take on Sabretooth is particularly intriguing, as these characters have a complex and often contentious history in the comics. The set photos hint at an epic battle between the three, and I am eager to see how it will play out on screen. Overall, these new reveals have only heightened my anticipation for Deadpool 3, and I am confident that it will be a thrilling and action-packed addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.