Exclusive: Crystal Hefner Shares Fresh Insights on Her Prenup and Will with Late Husband Hugh Hefner

Exclusive: Crystal Hefner Shares Fresh Insights on Her Prenup and Will with Late Husband Hugh Hefner

In an exclusive interview, Crystal Hefner sets the record straight on the prenup and will controversy with Hugh Hefner, contradicting previous claims made by Holly Madison. Dive into the latest revelations straight from Crystal herself.

Holly Madison claimed that there was drama between Crystal Hefner and her late husband Hugh Hefner regarding their prenuptial agreement. However, Crystal herself denied this and told a different story.

During an interview on the "Girls Next Level" podcast with Hugh's son Marston Hefner, Madison, who is 44 years old, said that Crystal, who is 38, had left Hugh just days before their wedding in 2011 because she was not happy with the prenup.

Madison claimed that Hugh wanted to leave her $2 million in his will, but she felt it wasn't enough to buy a house. She said they had a big argument, and Hugh accused her of being a gold digger.

Crystal, on the other hand, mentioned in the latest issue of Us that the prenuptial agreement remained the same. She stated that upon her return, she signed the same document as before. Crystal expressed confusion over Holly's comments, as she was not present and unaware of the situation.

During the podcast, Madison and Bridget Marquardt questioned Crystal’s statement about not benefiting financially from her marriage to Hugh. Madison expressed skepticism, suggesting that Crystal was portraying herself as a successful "girlboss" who magically transformed her deejaying earnings into a real estate empire.

Crystal responded to the criticism by dismissing it as envy. She believed that Madison and Bridget were simply jealous of her financial success and achievements.

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Tiffany Rose/Getty Images for GBK Brand Bar

Marston, 34, has reportedly turned against Crystal because of her book, according to an exclusive source who spoke with Us. The insider mentioned that Crystal portrayed herself as a victim and suggested that Hugh Hefner never gave her anything, which the insider claims is not true. In fact, Hefner took care of her more than any of his other girlfriends.

Crystal and Hugh got married in 2012 and remained a couple until his passing at the age of 91 in 2017 due to sepsis caused by an E. coli infection. Before tying the knot with Crystal, fans were able to see glimpses of Hugh's dating life on The Girls Next Door, a show that followed the lives of his three main girlfriends: Madison, Marquardt, who is now 50, and Kendra Wilkinson.

During the podcast episode, Marston suggested that Crystal took advantage of Hugh's vulnerable state by altering his will. He questioned whether it was truly in Hugh's best interest to make significant financial changes without his full awareness.

In her memoir released in January, titled Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself, Crystal stated that Hugh did not leave her anything in his will. However, Marston expressed doubts regarding this claim.

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Denise Truscello/WireImage

"It's really strange," he mentioned. "I could easily just say, 'Thank you, Hugh Hefner, for playing a part in creating the wonderful life I have now.'"

To learn more about Crystal and Hugh's prenuptial agreement, check out the exclusive video above and grab the newest issue of We magazine, available at newsstands.

Editor's P/S:

The article highlights the contrasting narratives surrounding Crystal Hefner's prenuptial agreement with the late Hugh Hefner. While Holly Madison alleges drama and a disagreement over the terms, Crystal maintains that the agreement remained unchanged. The article delves into the complexities of their relationship and the aftermath of Hugh's passing, with Marston Hefner expressing skepticism about Crystal's financial independence claims.

The differing accounts raise questions about the dynamics within the Hefner household and the complexities of relationships involving significant wealth disparities. The article also sheds light on the ongoing debate about prenuptial agreements, their role in protecting individual interests, and the potential for misunderstandings or disputes in their enforcement.