Exciting New Spider-Man Series Unites Peter Parker and Miles Morales, crafted by Young Justice creator

Exciting New Spider-Man Series Unites Peter Parker and Miles Morales, crafted by Young Justice creator

Peter Parker and Miles Morales, the beloved characters from Marvel's Spider-Man 2, join forces in an exciting new comic series called The Spectacular Spider-Men Get ready for an epic adventure with this dynamic duo!

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will bring the iconic duo, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, even closer together through an exciting new ongoing series called the Spectacular Spider-Men. Recognized as one of Marvel Comics' most popular duos, their popularity soared after the immense success of their recent PlayStation game.

However, prior to Sony's involvement, both of them were revered as comic book legends. Despite their several joint appearances, they never had a dedicated series of their own.

However, this is about to change as Marvel is set to launch an exciting, fresh Spider-Man ongoing comic featuring these dynamic duo.

Peter Parker & Miles Morales star in new Spectacular Spider-Men series

Announced today by Marvel, Spectacular Spider-Men is the first ongoing book to star Peter and Miles side-by-side. 

The book's writing duties will be handled by Greg Weisman, a respected figure in the industry. Weisman is renowned for his creation of popular animated series such as Gargoyles and Young Justice. Additionally, he was the mastermind behind the 2008 cartoon adaptation of The Spectacular Spider-Man. 

Weisman explained that the younger Miles is making a strong effort to demonstrate his maturity to his mentor Peter, while the older Peter feels comfortable revealing his youthful side around Miles. This dynamic creates a role reversal within their mentor-protege relationship, which is not typically expected. However, Weisman believes that both Peter and Miles still stay true to their core personalities. And when the situation calls for it, both of them become serious, despite their tendency for playful banter. Joining Weisman is the renowned comic artist Humberto Ramos, who has previous experience working on The Amazing Spider-Man and The Superior Spider-Man.

“Ever since I was young, my dream has been to illustrate Spider-Man for Marvel Comics. Now that it has become a regular part of my life, I cherish every opportunity to contribute to the franchise. I like to think of it as 'coming back home,' and I am incredibly grateful to work alongside Greg Weisman, the genius behind the phenomenal Spider-Man TV series!” stated Ramos.

Exciting New Spider-Man Series Unites Peter Parker and Miles Morales, crafted by Young Justice creator

Marvel ComicsPeter Parker and Miles Morales make an unbeatable duo in the captivating Spectacular Spider-Men.

Despite being their first ongoing series, it is evident that the two characters have previously appeared together in various comic books. The initial mini-series they collaborated on was Spider-Men in 2012, written by Brian Michael Bendis, which depicted the initial encounter between Peter and Miles.

In 2017, a sequel titled Spider-Men II solidified Peter and Miles' position in the merged 616 and Ultimate universes after the events of Secret Wars. It also introduced a reconstructed Ultimate Universe, although it was eventually destroyed by The Maker.

In addition to Spectacular Spider-Men, both characters will maintain their respective solo books, The Amazing Spider-Man and Miles Morales: Spider-Man. Furthermore, a new iteration of Ultimate Spider-Man will be introduced, featuring an older version of Peter Parker who is married.

Spectacular Spider-Men #1 is set to release on January 17. For the latest updates on Spider-Man and comic books, make sure to stay tuned to Dexerto's coverage.

Editor's P/S

I am incredibly excited about the upcoming Spectacular Spider-Men comic series. I have been a fan of both Peter Parker and Miles Morales for years, and I have always wanted to see them team up in their own ongoing series. I think it's great that Marvel is finally giving us what we've been asking for.

I'm also excited to see how Greg Weisman and Humberto Ramos will bring these two characters to life. Weisman is a talented writer who has a great understanding of both Peter and Miles. Ramos is an amazing artist who has a knack for capturing the action and excitement of Spider-Man's world. I'm confident that they will create a truly special series that will be enjoyed by fans of all ages.