Examining the Legacy of 'Super Size Me' Director Morgan Spurlock Posthumously

Examining the Legacy of 'Super Size Me' Director Morgan Spurlock Posthumously

Explore the complex legacy left by Morgan Spurlock, the filmmaker behind the influential 'Super Size Me' documentary, after his passing in May 2024 at the age of 53.

Inside 'Super Size Me' Director Morgan Spurlock’s Complicated Legacy Following His Death

Inside 'Super Size Me' Director Morgan Spurlock’s Complicated Legacy Following His Death

Morgan Spurlock Matthew Eisman/Getty Images

Morgan Spurlock faced challenges and successes before passing away at the age of 53.

He was most famous for his work on the 2004 documentary Super Size Me, where he ate only McDonald's food for a month. This project led to an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary Feature.

Spurlock also created the documentary The Greatest Movie Ever Sold in 2011, which focused on advertising and product placement. He then went on to produce the series Morgan Spurlock’s New Britannia in 2012 and directed the concert film This Is Us for One Direction. Additionally, Spurlock produced Losing It With John Stamos and was working as the director of Sue, according to his IMDB credits.

Following his resignation from the public eye, Spurlock's brother Craig Spurlock announced in May 2024 that Morgan had passed away after battling cancer.

Craig expressed his sadness as he bid farewell to his brother Morgan. Morgan's contributions through his art, ideas, and generosity were immense. The world has lost a creative genius and a special man. Craig feels proud to have collaborated with Morgan.

Now, let's delve into the complexities of Morgan's legacy.

Family Life

Morgan is survived by sons Laken and Kallen, parents Phyllis and Ben Spurlock, brothers Craig and Barry Spurlock, as well as multiple nieces, nephews and sisters-in-law.

Health Concerns

Morgan had two children, Laken with ex-wife Alexandra Jamieson and Kallen with ex-wife Sara Bernstein. Morgan and Jamieson, who is a vegan chef and was featured in the documentary Super Size Me, separated in 2011. He later married Bernstein in 2016. Unfortunately, at the time of Morgan's passing, their divorce was still in progress. It was reported in May 2024 that a proposed judgment had been issued, but the final details were still pending.

While Super Size Me intended to increase public awareness about fast food dining amid America’s obesity epidemic, Morgan’s experiment led to various health issues.

Inside 'Super Size Me' Director Morgan Spurlock’s Complicated Legacy Following His Death

Inside 'Super Size Me' Director Morgan Spurlock’s Complicated Legacy Following His Death

After creating the film 'Super Size Me,' Morgan Spurlock shared with Civil Eats in 2010 how he could easily gain four or five pounds in just one weekend. He mentioned how his body seemed to have lost its ability to bounce back as quickly as before. Spurlock attributed this change to both aging and the presence of new fat cells in his body.

Morgan explained that when you gain weight, your body creates fat cells to store the extra fat. When you lose weight, these fat cells shrink but they don't disappear completely. They are still there in your body, ready to store more fat if you overeat.

It is known that Morgan passed away due to complications of cancer, but specific information about his illness and fight against it was not shared publicly.

Addressing Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Morgan faced allegations of sexual misconduct as he geared up for the release of Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken! in 2017. In response to the #MeToo movement, he acknowledged his role in contributing to the issue in Hollywood.

"I started reflecting on the current trend of heroes and men facing consequences for their past mistakes. Instead of wondering who will be the next target, I found myself asking, 'When will they come for me?' This realization hit me in December 2017 when I shared my thoughts on social media. I realized that I am not just a bystander, but also part of the problem."

During that time, Morgan shared, "I have had moments in my life that mirror the stories we hear about in the news. Back in college, a girl I had a one-night stand with indirectly accused me of rape. Although there were no legal actions taken, she wrote about the incident in a class assignment and mentioned me by name. A female friend later informed me about it."

Morgan believed the interaction was consensual at first, but was surprised when the alleged victim said otherwise. In a social media post, Morgan promised to improve his behavior going forward.

Inside 'Super Size Me' Director Morgan Spurlock’s Complicated Legacy Following His Death

Inside 'Super Size Me' Director Morgan Spurlock’s Complicated Legacy Following His Death

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for DIFF

Addiction Battle

After his misconduct scandal came to light, Morgan checked into a rehab center for his struggles with alcohol.

In a 2019 interview with Deadline, he opened up about his past behavior, admitting, "I was using alcohol to cope for a long time. It all started around 2010 or 2011, maybe even earlier - Super Size Me was released in 2004 - but things got worse as time went on."

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, reach out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

If you or someone you know is facing challenges with substance abuse, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

Editor's P/S:

Morgan Spurlock's passing is a poignant reminder of the complexities of life. His achievements as a filmmaker, coupled with his personal struggles and allegations of misconduct, paint a multifaceted portrait of a man who leaves behind a legacy of both impact and controversy.

The article highlights the profound impact of Spurlock's work, particularly his groundbreaking documentary "Super Size Me." While it raised awareness about the detrimental effects of fast food consumption, it also had a lasting impact on Spurlock's own health. His battle with obesity and subsequent addiction underscores the challenges faced by many who struggle with weight-related issues. Additionally, the allegations of sexual misconduct and Spurlock's acknowledgment of his own past behavior remind us of the importance of accountability and the need for ongoing dialogue about consent and respect.