Enigmatic Gold Foil Figures Unearthed in Norway: Unveiling the Secrets

Enigmatic Gold Foil Figures Unearthed in Norway: Unveiling the Secrets

An extraordinary discovery in Norway unveils five intricately stamped gold figures, shedding light on the fascinating lives of ancient Scandinavians from over 1,400 years ago These miniature foils offer valuable insights into their culture and the display of power during that era

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Scientists claim that the recent discovery of five enigmatic gold artifacts in Hov, Norway holds the potential to unravel the secrets of an ancient civilization. These treasures, standing at less than 1 centimeter in height and having the width of a fingernail, have piqued the curiosity of researchers.

The discovery of intricately detailed gold foil figures, found during excavations of a pagan religious temple, is an exceptional rarity in Norway. With only 10 known sites, Hov boasts the highest number of foils discovered, with a total of 35 pieces. However, across Scandinavia, over 3,000 similar foils have been unearthed, indicating their significance. Ingunn Marit Røstad, an archaeologist and associate professor at the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo, states that these foils can be found throughout Scandinavia, suggesting their importance in ancient Scandinavian culture.

The most recent documented artifacts were intentionally buried beneath the walls and post holes of the structure, leading researchers to believe they were an offering to the building. According to a Facebook post announcing the discovery, Nicolai Eckhoff, an archaeologist and adviser in rescue archaeology at the University of Oslo, who participated in the excavation, stated that these artifacts tell a story about the significance of the area where they were found. The site is situated near Mjøsa, the largest lake in Norway, at the outlet of the Gudbrandsalslågen river. Consequently, it is likely that most trade goods from the mountainous regions in eastern Norway passed through this site before being transported to the shore.

Enigmatic Gold Foil Figures Unearthed in Norway: Unveiling the Secrets

Kathrine Stene, an archaeologist at the University of Oslo's Museum of Cultural History, unearthed a remarkable collection of 35 gold foil figures at the Hov temple site. Among these exquisite findings, the five most recent discoveries were made during an excavation led by Stene herself.

Nicolai Eckhoff/Kulturhistorisk Museum, Oslo

"The figurines and (temple) thus confirm it is as a seat of power in the late Norwegian Iron Age," he said.

The discovery of the Hov temple in 1993 also yielded two gold figures. Since then, additional excavations have uncovered a total of 28 more foils at the site, making it the location with the highest number of Norwegian foil discoveries to date, as reported by Science Norway. During a recent excavation, conducted as part of the construction of the nearby E6 highway, five new pieces of gold foil were unearthed over the summer. These new findings provide further insight into the historical significance of the temple.

While the foils designs have distinct references to the Merovingian Period, a pre-Viking period between 476 and 750 AD, exactly what they were made for remains unclear.

Enigmatic Gold Foil Figures Unearthed in Norway: Unveiling the Secrets

Earthwork on Amazonian landscape.

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Scientists have discovered 24 ancient earthworks in the Amazon, and they speculate that there could be an additional 10,000 yet to be found. According to Røstad, who is conducting the research, the purpose of these earthworks is still a matter of debate. However, it is believed that they were deliberately constructed and may have served as sites for sacrificial activities, particularly in relation to rituals conducted within pagan structures. Some of the gold foils found in these earthworks depict couples, suggesting a connection to marriage ceremonies.

The majority of foils discovered in Denmark, particularly in Rønne at the Bornholms Museum, consist of gold pieces depicting men, women, and animals. These figures are often adorned with jewelry, weaponry, drinking cups, and various types of gowns and robes, indicating their affiliation with royalty and their wealthy status during this era. Additionally, there are theories proposing that these depictions may even represent gods and goddesses from Norse mythology, as suggested by Røstad.

Enigmatic Gold Foil Figures Unearthed in Norway: Unveiling the Secrets

The researchers believe that the gold figures were deliberately placed there as they were found buried under the walls of the temple and inside post holes of the structure. Five of the most recent pieces discovered substantiate this belief.

The recently discovered fragments hold significant significance, as indicated by Margrethe Watt, the former head of archaeology at Bornholms Museum. She was not part of the excavation in Norway but emphasizes the value of these findings due to their original placement, representing their primary context.

Watt stated, "It is extremely rare to find such pieces within buildings. Usually, these artifacts are discovered in settlement areas where buildings exist. However, the gold foils often have no direct association with any structure and are often found scattered in the soil."

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Archaeologists typically refer to the foils as gullgubbers, derived from the Norwegian term "gullgubbe" meaning "golden old men." This term originated in a 1700s article and has since become the standard name, according to Røstad.

The gold foils were pressed onto a bronze stamp dye, resembling the coin-making process, as explained by Watt. These foils primarily consisted of gold, along with other metallic variations, likely due to gold scarcity during that time.

Additionally, distinct regional significance can be observed in the designs of the gold figures, along with distinct artistic styles that assist researchers in determining the origin of each gullgubber piece within Scandinavia.

Enigmatic Gold Foil Figures Unearthed in Norway: Unveiling the Secrets

A gullgubber measures just under a centimeter and is as thin as a piece of paper.

According to Watt, there is no doubt that the recently discovered artifacts were found in Norway. Although some of the figures may have minor variations in jewelry and clothing, their overall appearance remains consistent.

The recently discovered fragments showcase a man donning a short robe that allows his feet to be seen, while the woman is adorned in jewelry and sheathed in a flowing Norwegian gown with a train. Due to their intricate details, the gullgubber serve as valuable resources for examining the fashion customs of that era, as noted in Eckhoff's Facebook post.

Watt explains that the foils are highly fragile as a result of their small size and composition. Out of the recently unearthed five pieces, one was found entirely folded.

Enigmatic Gold Foil Figures Unearthed in Norway: Unveiling the Secrets

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According to Eckhoff, despite their small size, the figurines are partially safeguarded by the natural properties of gold, such as its resistance to corrosion unlike silver or copper.

Additionally, Eckhoff mentioned that there is proof indicating that the pagan temple was engulfed in flames during the Viking Age. This event subsequently offered an additional layer of protection for the gullgubber pieces, as they were concealed beneath stone and debris.

According to Eckhoff, for the average individual, the foils would have primarily been viewed as symbols of social status. The act of sacrificing even a minimal amount of gold, especially when considering the intricate craftsmanship, would have been a significant expense. Therefore, the ability to offer these figurines as sacrifices would have been a grand display of power.