As My Hero Academia nears its conclusion in the manga, the final showdown between Deku and Tomura Shigaraki is underway. However, there are still loose ends that need to be addressed, particularly the aftermath of several characters in the War arc. For example, the fate of Endeavor is unclear at this point in the manga, adding to the anticipation of the series' conclusion. Endeavor's character development has been significant in My Hero Academia, especially with the recent divisive conclusion to his journey involving his family and Dabi.
Given his state in the last appearance in the manga, it's no surprise that fans are questioning whether he is still alive. Please note that this article contains spoilers for the My Hero Academia series.
Endeavor is likely still alive in the My Hero Academia manga
Endeavor as a civilian (Image via Bones).
Endeavor last appeared in the My Hero Academia manga in chapter 390, where the conflict between his family and Dabi was resolved. Given the state of the Number 1 Hero during this confrontation, it's no surprise that people are speculating about his possible demise. In previous chapters, Endeavor had to face All For One alone and sustained numerous injuries, including the loss of an arm in chapter 356.
Still grappling with the aftermath of the battle, he faced his son Dabi/Touya in another intense confrontation that nearly cost him his life. Shoto and the rest of his family had to intervene to save him and bring the battle to an end. With 411 chapters of the manga released, Endeavor's situation remains unconfirmed.
Endeavor's development throughout the series
Nevertheless, there is a high probability that he is still alive considering the significant time and effort author Kohei Horikoshi has invested in developing the character throughout the series. If he had truly perished, the mangaka would have dedicated several chapters to emphasizing that fact.
An image of a younger Endeavor with his first son, Touya (Image via Bones).
Endeavor's character has sparked intense debate and controversy within the My Hero Academia fanbase due to the complex themes addressed in his storyline and his flawed nature as a person.
Initially depicted as a ruthless and careless family man, Kohei Horikoshi takes the time to develop the character of the then-Number 2 Hero, showing his growth and efforts to repair the damage he caused to his loved ones.
While some fans appreciated Endeavor's journey (despite his original actions being disapproved), others believe he should not receive a redemption arc due to the real-life implications of abusive parents in society.
By giving Enji Todoroki a redemption arc, some believe that Horikoshi is condoning abusive behavior, despite the character enduring significant pain, particularly in his strained relationship with his son, Touya, also known as Dabi.
Nonetheless, Endeavor is a distinctive character in My Hero Academia as he confronts realistic issues that unfortunately occur in real-life homes, and Horikoshi sought to portray the fire-based hero's journey of personal development.
Final thoughts
To sum it up, Endeavor was last spotted in chapter 390 of the My Hero Academia manga, as of now, and there is no confirmation of his current status. Yet, given the depth of characterization Horikoshi provided for him, it is highly probable that he is still alive since he wouldn't be eliminated without being shown on-screen.
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z netizen, I am eagerly awaiting the conclusion of My Hero Academia and the resolution of Endeavor's fate. The character's journey has been a complex and controversial one, and I am curious to see how Horikoshi will wrap up his story. Personally, I believe that Endeavor deserves a chance at redemption, despite his past actions. He has shown genuine remorse and a willingness to change, and I think it would be a powerful message if he were able to overcome his flaws and become a better person.
However, I also understand the concerns of those who believe that Endeavor's redemption arc could be seen as condoning abusive behavior. It is important to remember that abuse is never okay, and that there is no excuse for it. Endeavor's journey should not be seen as a justification for abuse, but rather as a story of personal growth and change. Ultimately, I believe that Horikoshi will handle Endeavor's story with sensitivity and care, and I am excited to see how it concludes.