Elon Musk's Epic Surprise: Livestreaming a Mind-Blowing Diablo 4 Speedrun You Won't Believe!

Elon Musk's Epic Surprise: Livestreaming a Mind-Blowing Diablo 4 Speedrun You Won't Believe!

Elon Musk shocks Diablo enthusiasts by revealing his intention to livestream a speedrun of Diablo 4 on Twitter, captivating the gaming community with his unexpected announcement


Elon Musk, known for his groundbreaking innovations in tech, plans to speedrun Diablo 4 in a livestream, marking his first public step into the gaming world.

Musk emphasized that his speedrun will not be at a professional level and advised viewers to have modest expectations. However, his announcement still generated considerable interest within the gaming community. Perhaps, Diablo 4 enthusiasts might be intrigued to witness the gaming prowess of the Twitter CEO, especially given the imminent arrival of the game's forthcoming update.

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk recently surprised his followers by announcing his intention to attempt a speedrun of the highly anticipated Diablo 4 during a livestream. Renowned for his groundbreaking inventions and ideas, Musk is now venturing into the world of video games with this new challenge. It should be noted, however, that Musk is not aiming for a professional-level speedrun and has set more realistic expectations for himself.

Having made significant contributions to the fields of electric vehicles and space exploration, Elon Musk is now making his mark in the gaming industry with his involvement in the popular Blizzard game. Just weeks ago, he made headlines when it was revealed that he had convinced his ex-girlfriend, Amber Heard, to dress up as the character Mercy from Overwatch. Musk's active participation in the gaming community has been a topic of interest, and this livestream serves as his first public foray into the gaming world.

Elon Musk took to Twitter to announce that he will be livestreaming a speedrun of Diablo 4 on the night of September 27 at around 11 p.m. CT. The purpose of the livestream is to test Twitter's livestream scaling. Musk mentioned that he has received requests to stream himself playing video games, which led him to announce this speedrun in a Tier 99 Nightmare dungeon in Diablo 4. He had previously shared the name of his Diablo 4 character and confirmed his experience with the game. However, Musk later had to delay the livestream due to work commitments. He then rescheduled it for the following day.

Despite his familiarity with the game, Musk made it clear that this speedrun would not be at a professional level. He emphasized that viewers should not expect too much as he aims to complete a Tier 99 Nightmare dungeon. This is understandable considering the challenging nature of Diablo 4. Musk also announced that he will not be using malignant hearts during the speedrun. Malignant hearts are gems that enhance character stats and provide unique abilities.

The Twitter CEO's recent post has gained immense popularity, attracting a staggering 11.3 million views, 55,000 likes, and nearly 6,000 reposts. This once again highlights the gaming community's keen interest in seeing the entrepreneur venture into the world of gaming. The anticipation is already building with the upcoming update for Diablo 4, scheduled to release on October 17, 2023.

Blizzard's highly acclaimed game has managed to captivate both longtime fans of the series and newcomers to the demonic realms of Diablo. Though not all players may be interested in Musk's livestream announcement, it is likely that some Diablo 4 fans will be eagerly awaiting the opportunity to witness the gaming skills of the Twitter CEO in action.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.