Elevating Blasphemous 2: Embracing the Majestic Influence of Elden Ring

Elevating Blasphemous 2: Embracing the Majestic Influence of Elden Ring

Blasphemous 2: Elevating an Indie Gem with Streamlined Achievements The anticipated sequel should consider refining its achievement list for enhanced player enjoyment and a more seamless gaming experience


Elden Ring, an expansive open-world game, has garnered criticism from some fans for its abundant recycled content. However, it undeniably delivers an extraordinary experience that can captivate players for well over 100 hours, especially when they immerse themselves in exploring each intricate detail.

The achievement list in Elden Ring is shorter than other FromSoftware games, making the achievement hunt relatively easier. Despite not reaching the same scale as Elden Ring, Blasphemous, a Metroidvania game, still offers satisfying gameplay. However, achieving 100 percent completion and some challenging achievements in Blasphemous requires meticulous exploration and may prove difficult without outside guidance. Blasphemous 2 could enhance its achievement list to make it more accessible.

Elden Ring, developed by FromSoftware, offers a challenging gaming experience and is perhaps the studio's most expansive in terms of size and content. Some fans argue that certain elements, such as repeated appearances of enemies and bosses, are recycled from other parts of the game. However, even with this criticism, the game still provides an impressive open-world experience. Exploring every nook and cranny can easily result in a playthrough lasting over 100 hours. In comparison, the indie Metroidvania game Blasphemous is much smaller in scale, but its sequel, Blasphemous 2, can still deliver a similar level of satisfaction.

Not everyone appreciates the immense scale of Elden Ring, as some fans prefer the more confined or linear designs of games like Dark Souls or Bloodborne. Nevertheless, a significant portion of Elden Ring's content is optional. This means that players can choose to make their experience with the game as long or as short as they desire. However, the achievement list in Elden Ring is relatively short. While obtaining a platinum trophy in the game requires multiple playthroughs, it is argued to be easier compared to other FromSoftware titles. This is a mistake that can be rectified in the sequel to Blasphemous.

Blasphemous 2 Should Make Its Achievement List More Digestible

Elevating Blasphemous 2: Embracing the Majestic Influence of Elden Ring

Like any Soulslike or Metroidvania game, the difficulty of Blasphemous is subjective to each player. While certain areas, such as the platforming, may be divisive, the combat mechanics are arguably easier to master compared to a game like Hollow Knight. Despite this, Blasphemous can be completed relatively quickly due to the minimal amount of content required to finish the main story. However, the game's length can be extended for those playing for the first time or exploring DLC content, which offers new materials for fans to explore.

Blasphemous, similar to Elden Ring, does not allow players to achieve a full 100 percent completion in a single playthrough. However, the game's achievements require a level of tedium that Elden Ring's achievement list lacks. Players must thoroughly explore every corner of Cvstodia and complete nearly all available tasks.

Additionally, like Elden Ring and other Soulslikes, Blasphemous features NPC quests that are incredibly difficult to figure out without the help of a guide or community forum. This, of course, makes quest-oriented achievements even more challenging to attain, especially if players need to enter New Game Plus or start a new playthrough. There are also achievements, such as 'Bronze Medal,' that test players' speedrunning skills, while 'Requiem Aeternam' demands that players defeat all original bosses without using any bile flasks, a truly monumental task that casual players will find incredibly challenging.

Without sharing explicit details, Blasphemous 2 is anticipated to introduce new environments, enemies, and weapons. One notable improvement is a more lenient achievement list, which may encourage fans to play for longer periods. However, there is a concern that an extensive achievement list may detract from the game's tight-knit experience. It is hopeful that Blasphemous 2 will surpass its predecessor in size and content without becoming too overwhelming. The game will be available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S starting on August 24.