Elden Ring: Unveiling the Mysteries of Walking Mausoleums

Elden Ring: Unveiling the Mysteries of Walking Mausoleums

Embark on a journey to discover the hidden Walking Mausoleums in Elden Ring and master the art of duplicating remembrances.

The Enigmatic Walking Mausoleums of Elden Ring

In the vast and treacherous lands of Elden Ring, players will come across the enigmatic Walking Mausoleums, each shrouded in mystery and power. These ancient structures hold the key to duplicating remembrances, allowing players to harness the essence of defeated bosses. But finding these elusive mausoleums is no easy task, as they are scattered across the realm, waiting to be uncovered.

Elden Ring - Mausoleum in Weeping Peninsula Location - Mausoleum in the west of the Weeping Peninsula (has a Bell)

Elden Ring - Mausoleum in Weeping Peninsula Location - Mausoleum in the west of the Weeping Peninsula (has a Bell)

The Quest for Knowledge: Seeking the Mausoleums

The journey to locate the Walking Mausoleums begins with understanding their significance. Players must distinguish between mausoleums with bells and those without, as the presence of a bell dictates the remembrances that can be duplicated. With only seven mausoleums amidst the vast expanse of Elden Ring, each discovery is a triumph.

Background: The Role of Remembrances

Remembrances are unique items in Elden Ring that represent the essence of defeated bosses. They can be used to acquire powerful weapons, spells, or abilities. However, remembrances can only be duplicated once, making the discovery of Walking Mausoleums crucial for players who wish to maximize their character's potential.

Mausoleum Expedition: Unveiling the Secrets

Mausoleum in the west of the Weeping Peninsula (has a Bell)

Venture into the perpetual rain of the Weeping Peninsula, south of Limgrave, to discover the first Walking Mausoleum. Nestled near the Church of Pilgrimage, this mausoleum stands as a testament to ancient power, beckoning players to unlock its secrets.

Background: The Weeping Peninsula

The Weeping Peninsula is a region located south of Limgrave. It is known for its perpetual rain and its abundance of ancient ruins. The Walking Mausoleum in this region is one of the first that players will encounter, making it a valuable source of early-game remembrances.

Elden Ring - Mausoleum Compound - Two Mausoleums in Mausoleum Compound, East Liurnia (Without Bells)

Elden Ring - Mausoleum Compound - Two Mausoleums in Mausoleum Compound, East Liurnia (Without Bells)

Two Mausoleums in Mausoleum Compound, East Liurnia (Without Bells)

Journey to the Mausoleum Compound in the eastern reaches of Liurnia, where two Walking Mausoleums await discovery. These silent sentinels hold the echoes of forgotten battles, challenging players to unravel their mysteries.

Background: Liurnia of the Lakes

Liurnia of the Lakes is a vast and treacherous region located east of Limgrave. It is home to the Academy of Raya Lucaria, a prestigious institution of magic. The two Walking Mausoleums in this region are located in the Mausoleum Compound, a secluded area filled with ancient ruins.

Unraveling the Mysteries: The Path to Enlightenment

Mausoleum located southeast of the East Raya Lucaria Gate (has a Bell)

Descend into the depths of the East Raya Lucaria Gate and behold the wandering Mausoleum, devoid of skull overgrowth. Master the art of approach to claim its bounty and unlock its hidden power.

Background: The East Raya Lucaria Gate

The East Raya Lucaria Gate is a massive structure that marks the entrance to the Academy of Raya Lucaria. The Walking Mausoleum located near this gate is one of the most easily accessible in the game, making it a popular destination for players who wish to duplicate their remembrances.

Mausoleum in Deeproot Depths (has a Bell)

At the heart of Deeproot Depths lies the final Walking Mausoleum, a testament to endurance and perseverance. Scale the roots of the ancient city to reach this elusive structure and claim your rightful reward.

Background: Deeproot Depths

Deeproot Depths is a hidden underground region located beneath the Erdtree. It is a realm of darkness and decay, and it is home to some of the most powerful enemies in the game. The Walking Mausoleum in this region is the final one that players will encounter, and it is guarded by a formidable boss.

Elden Ring - Mausoleum in Deeproot Depths - Mausoleum in Deeproot Depths (has a Bell)

Elden Ring - Mausoleum in Deeproot Depths - Mausoleum in Deeproot Depths (has a Bell)

Unleash the Power Within

As players traverse the land, encountering these mystical mausoleums, they unlock the true potential of their journey. The remembrances held within these ancient structures are not just artifacts but gateways to unparalleled strength and wisdom.

Background: The Importance of Remembrances

Remembrances are essential for players who wish to unlock the full potential of their characters. They can be used to acquire powerful weapons, spells, or abilities that can significantly enhance the player's combat capabilities. By duplicating remembrances at Walking Mausoleums, players can maximize their character's strength and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

Embark on this odyssey through Elden Ring, unravel the secrets of the Walking Mausoleums, and forge your destiny amidst the chaos of The Lands Between.