Elden Ring Guide: Acquiring the Flame of the Fell God Incantation

Discover the steps for Elden Ring players to acquire the powerful Flame of the Fell God incantation in-game. Unleash the legendary power of this incantation with our detailed guide.
The Mountaintops of the Giants, located in the far north of The Lands Between, now lay in ruins following the war between Fire Giants and Erdtree. Players in Elden Ring may not learn about the history of Fire Giants until they defeat Morgott the Omen King and gain access to this area. However, lore enthusiasts will be fascinated to discover the extensive information available about these legendary creatures right from the early regions of the game.
In the magical and swampy land of Liurnia of the Lakes, players may encounter Fire Monks wandering far from their cold, snowy peaks. These monks are on a quest because their fire was stolen by a fugitive named Adan, who has sought refuge in Liurnia. This thief possesses the powerful incantation known as the Flame of the Fell God, a spell believed to contain the essence of the Fell God that resides within every Fire Giant.
Elden Ring: Flame of the Fell God Spell Location
Players who have battled the Fire Giant boss in Mountaintops of the Giants are familiar with the powerful attacks of the Flame of the Fell God spell. This legendary spell can be obtained by defeating Adan, Thief of Fire. Here's how you can locate and defeat him.
Elden Ring - Malefactor's Evergaol location - Elden Ring: Flame of the Fell God Spell Location
Looking to add Flame of the Fell God to your spell collection in Elden Ring? This legendary spell is actually one of the easiest to obtain. If you're aiming to complete the Legendary Magic Spells achievement, make sure to prioritize getting Flame of the Fell God. To acquire this powerful spell, you'll need to defeat Adan, Thief of Fire, who can be found locked inside the Malefactor's Evergaol situated on the cliff at the southern edge of Liurnia of the Lakes.
Elden Ring - Whirlwind near Malefactor's Evergaol location - Travel to the Liurnia Lake Shore site of grace
Head to the Liurnia Lake Shore and look for a spiritspring jump in the northwest. Use it to reach the top of the cliff on the west. On the southern part of the cliff, you'll come across the Malefactor’s Evergaol. Inside, defeat Adan, Thief of Fire to acquire the Flame of the Fell God spell.
How to Defeat Adan, Thief of Fire
Elden Ring - Fighting Adan in Malefactor's Evergaol - How to Defeat Adan, Thief of Fire
Adan, known as the Fire Thief, is a challenging Tarnished enemy in Elden Ring. He is skilled in combat, able to fight, dodge, and regain health by consuming healing flasks. Luckily, he only carries two of these flasks, making him somewhat vulnerable.
To defeat Adan, it is recommended to maintain a safe distance and utilize long-range attacks. If you get too close, he will either attack with his flail or cast Catch Flame and Flame of the Fell God spells. Avoid getting caught in the range of Flame of the Fell God by keeping your distance; he takes some time to cast it, allowing you to react accordingly.
Additionally, there is a Stake of Marika located nearby, saving you from having to travel back each time you are defeated. Taking on Adan may pose a challenge due to his early encounter in the game, but with strategic tactics and perseverance, you can emerge victorious.
How to Use Flame of the Fell God
Elden Ring Adan Thief of Fire Guide Malefactors Evergaol Flame Of The Fell God - How to Use Flame of the Fell God
Flame of the Fell God is a powerful legendary incantation designed for Faith caster builds in Elden Ring. It requires 41 Faith and 34 FP to cast. Unlike many spells, Flame of the Fell God uses two memory slots. If you wish to use additional spells alongside it, consider obtaining memory stones to unlock extra spell slots.
Although Flame of the Fell God has a slow casting speed, its explosion has the ability to knock back humanoid enemies. This makes it a useful spell to try against Malenia, who is vulnerable to Fire and has low poise. To boost the damage output of Flame of the Fell God, you can utilize items such as Giant’s Seal, Fire Scorpion Charm talisman, Flock’s Canvas talisman, and Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear.
Editor's P/S:
This article provides a comprehensive guide to obtaining the Flame of the Fell God spell in Elden Ring, including its location, how to defeat the boss that holds it, and how to use it effectively. The detailed instructions and helpful tips make it easy for players to acquire this powerful spell and enhance their gameplay. The article also offers insights into the lore surrounding the Fire Giants and their connection to the Flame of the Fell God, adding depth to the game's story.
Overall, this article is a valuable resource for Elden Ring players who are interested in expanding their spell collection and learning more about the game's lore. The clear and concise writing style, combined with the useful images, makes it an accessible and enjoyable read for both casual and experienced players.