Elden Ring: Deathroot Spots

Elden Ring: Deathroot Spots

Discover the elusive Deathroot in Elden Ring and unlock its secrets Uncover its hidden locations and reap the rewards it holds for multiple NPC questlines Can you find them all?

Deathroot in Elden Ring is a much sought-after Key Item Collectible found throughout the expansive Lands Between. It plays a crucial role in both D, Hunter of the Dead's Quest Line and Gurranq the Beast Clergyman's storyline. Deathroot holds immense significance in the game's vast lore, representing the embodiment of the Rune of Death and intricately intertwining with Godwyn the Golden's tragic narrative.

To appease Gurranq's hunger, players must gather a total of nine Deathroots, which are typically obtained by either defeating a Tibia Mariner in combat or exploring the depths of a Catacomb. Each Deathroot acquisition results in Gurranq rewarding the player with a beast-related boon. Let us now delve into the precise locations of each Deathroot within the captivating world of Elden Ring.

Updated October 30th, 2023 by Jacob Buchalter: The Shadow of the Erdtree DLC brings an exciting expansion to Elden Ring, sparking renewed interest in the game among both loyal followers and newcomers. Many players may find themselves in need of assistance with various aspects of the game, such as locating the elusive Deathroot or recalling the initial encounter with the Hunter of the Dead. To address these challenges, let's explore the precise whereabouts of each Deathroot.

Deathroot Locations

The images above are in the same order as the table below AKA Image #1 = Deathroot #1 on the table and so on.


General Location

Location Specifics


Deathtouched Catacombs

At the edge of the Black Knife Assassin boss arena in the reward chest near the return gate.


Black Knife Catacombs

At the edge of the Cemetary Shade boss arena in the reward chest near the return gate.


Northeast Limgrave

Obtained automatically after defeating the Tibia Mariner in Summonwater Village.


Atlus Plateau

Obtained automatically after defeating the Tibia Mariner in Wyndham Ruins.


East Liurnia of the Lakes

Find and defeat the Tibia Mariner in the woods on the path just west of the Carian Study Hall.


Mountaintops of the Giants

Automatically obtained alongside Helphen's Steeple from defeating the Tibia Mariner on the cliffside between Castle Sol Main Gate Grace and Snow Valley Ruins Overlook. Essentially, from the Site of Grace look directly southwest, mark the top of that cliffside, then follow it around and up to the Mariner.


Gelmir Hero's Grave

At the bottom of the Gelmir Hero's Grave at the edge of the Red Wolf of the Champion's boss arena in the reward chest near the return gate.


Hidden Path to The Haligtree

In a chest after defeating the Stray Mimic Tear in the hidden catacomb area of the Hidden Path. To get here, players must find the invisible bridge area and progress forward from there.


Giant's Mountaintop Catacombs

At the edge of the Ulcerated Tree Spirit's boss arena in the Giant's Mountaintop Catacombs. It's in the reward chest right near the return gate leading to the Catacomb's entrance.

Deathroot Rewards

Elden Ring: Deathroot Spots

Gurranq offers a variety of enticing rewards to players who provide him with Deathroot, especially during the early stages of the game. These rewards range from Seals to Beastial Incantations and even Weapons, making Gurranq a valuable resource. As players continue to supply him with Deathroot, Gurranq undergoes changes, culminating in a unique dialogue when encountered as Maliketh in Farum Azula, should players complete his entire questline.

However, after giving Gurranq the 4th Deathroot and reloading the area or returning at a later time, he becomes hostile and immediately attacks the player, known as the Tarnished. This aggressive behavior persists until the Tarnished inflicts 1,000 points of damage onto Gurranq, without succumbing to death. After this, Gurranq calms down and reverts to his usual position once the area is reloaded.

That being said, the focus is not currently on his Questline, but rather on players submitting their Deathroot to receive the rewards. The following table showcases all the rewards provided by NPC Merchant Gurranq:





Elden Ring - Icon Of Clawmark Seal


Clawmark Seal

Incantation Seal

Elden Ring - Icon Of Beastial Sling Incantation


Beastial Sling


Elden Ring - Icon Of Beastial Vitality Incantation


Beastial Vitality


Elden Ring - Icon Of Beast's Roar Ash of War


Beast's Roar (& Hostile Event Trigger)

Ash of War

Elden Ring - Icon Of Beasts Claw Incantation


Beast Claw


Elden Ring - Icon Of Stone of Gurranq Incantation


Stone of Gurranq


Elden Ring - Icon Of Beastial Greathammer


Beastclaw Greathammer


Elden Ring - Icon Of Gurranq's Beast Claw Incantation


Gurranq's Beast Claw


Elden Ring - Icon Of Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone


Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

Weapon Upgrade Material

Elden Ring is a RPG and Action game developed by From Software and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment and From Software. It was released on February 25, 2022 on various platforms including PS5, Xbox One, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of Elden Ring, I am always excited to discover new content and learn more about the game's lore. The Deathroot item is a fascinating part of the game, and I appreciate that the article provides detailed information on its locations and significance. I also find it helpful that the article includes a table summarizing the rewards that can be obtained from Gurranq in exchange for Deathroot.

Overall, I think this article is a valuable resource for Elden Ring players who are interested in learning more about the Deathroot item and its role in the game. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for more information on this topic.