Elden Ring: A Guide to Harvesting The Mohgwyn Palace Avian Creature

Elden Ring: A Guide to Harvesting The Mohgwyn Palace Avian Creature

Learn how to efficiently gather runes by outsmarting the majestic bird in Mohgwyn Palace in Elden Ring.

Unveiling the Secrets of Mohgwyn Palace's Avian Creature

Venturing into the mystical Mohgwyn Palace in Elden Ring unveils a plethora of opportunities to amass valuable runes. The intricate character progression system of Elden Ring relies heavily on runes to enhance the Tarnished's abilities and gear. While overcoming formidable bosses is part of the journey, rune farming has become a strategic pursuit among players seeking to bolster their stats.

Delving deeper into Mohgwyn Palace, players can stumble upon two remarkable spots for rune farming. One of these locations demands a formidable weapon obtained from the final boss, while the other presents a cunning exploit involving a colossal avian creature. This guide focuses on the latter, revealing the bird's whereabouts and the method to capitalize on this unique farming opportunity.

Navigating Mohgwyn Palace's Terrain

Mohgwyn Palace, nestled within the enigmatic Siofra River region, poses a challenge to those embarking on its exploration. Accessing Mohgwyn Palace requires progressing through Varres' questline or navigating the treacherous Consecrated Snowfield to reach the waypoint teleporter leading to Mohg's dynasty.

Upon reaching Mohgwyn Palace, make your way to the Palace Approach Ledge-Road site of grace located on the eastern fringe. If you opt for the Consecrated Snowfield teleporter, your journey begins in proximity to this grace site. However, those entwined in Varres' questline must traverse the eerie lake of blood to reach their destination, encountering albinaurics along the path.

Executing the Avian Harvesting Technique

To execute this cunning maneuver, equip yourself with a bow and an ample supply of arrows. Acquiring these essentials requires a modest investment of runes, with longbows available at the Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold, and arrows in abundance from Merchant Kale in the Church of Elleh, Limgrave. With bow in hand and arrows at the ready, make your way to the Palace Approach Ledge-Road site of grace.

Position yourself at the cliff's edge on the western side and set your sights on the towering avian creature wading through the blood-filled lake below. Take aim with precision and release your arrow, prompting the bird to charge towards you before plummeting off the cliff's edge. Should the creature linger, a few evasive maneuvers may be necessary to coax it over the precipice.

Following the bird's descent, you will be rewarded with a bounty of approximately 11,000 runes. Resting at the site of grace triggers the creature's reappearance, allowing you to repeat the process until your rune reserves are brimming. For additional rune accumulation, consider equipping the Golden Scarab talisman for a 20% boost, and consuming a Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot for an additional 30% enhancement.

Elden Ring - Mohgwyn Palace map - How to Farm the Bird at Mohgwyn Palace

Elden Ring - Mohgwyn Palace map - How to Farm the Bird at Mohgwyn Palace