Dragon Ball Super: Unveiling the Power Levels of Jiren and Broly

Dragon Ball Super: Unveiling the Power Levels of Jiren and Broly

Dragon Ball Super: Unveiling the Ultimate Battle - Jiren vs Broly, the Clash of Titans! Witness the showdown between two of the most powerful beings in the universe, as they compete for supremacy against all odds

Dragon Ball Super introduced numerous new characters to its storyline, and Jiren and Broly have emerged as some of the most powerful figures in the universe, second only to the angels and Gods of Destruction. Jiren served as the main antagonist in the Tournament of Power arc, while Broly took on a similar role in the Broly movie.

The claim that Broly is Goku's most formidable opponent has sparked discussions about a potential battle with Jiren. Despite Broly landing a few blows, on-screen evidence suggests that Jiren's controlled strength and fighting skills would ultimately lead to his victory in a showdown with Broly.

Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for the Dragon Ball series and reflects the author's opinions.

Dragon Ball Super: Jiren will defeat Broly in a clean sweep

Dragon Ball Super: Unveiling the Power Levels of Jiren and Broly

The image shows Jiren from Dragon Ball Super (Image via Toei Animation).

Although their raw strength may appear similar at first glance, a closer examination reveals that Jiren significantly surpasses Broly in terms of overall combat skills.

Analyzing the evolutions of Jiren and Broly from the Tournament of Power arc and the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie offers critical insights into a potential battle between the two. In their current forms, it seems clear that Jiren would come out on top in a showdown.

Jiren is known for his composed and strategic fighting style, in stark contrast to Broly's more impulsive approach. The Pride Trooper relies on carefully planned counterattacks and tactics to defeat his opponents, while Broly's instinctual and primal instincts leave him open to Jiren's calculated moves. While Broly's aggression may present an initial challenge, it ultimately leaves him at a disadvantage against Jiren's precise approach to combat.

Dragon Ball Super: Unveiling the Power Levels of Jiren and Broly

Dragon Ball Super: Broly (Image via Toei Animation)

The hypothetical battle gains more clarity when assessing the pair's encounters with a common adversary, Frieza.

Jiren's effortless defeat of Golden Frieza, even when restrained during the Tournament of Power, highlights his overwhelming power in stark contrast to Broly's prolonged battle with Frieza in the movie. Despite Frieza's transformation into his formidable Golden form, Broly fought against the tyrant for nearly an hour.

This showcases the stark difference in Jiren's ability to swiftly dispatch formidable foes compared to Broly's prolonged battle against a transformed Frieza, emphasizing Jiren's superiority in handling a shared opponent.

Dragon Ball Super: Unveiling the Power Levels of Jiren and Broly

The image above shows Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta (Image via Toei Animation).

Additionally, Jiren's impressive feats during the Tournament of Power, such as pushing Goku to trigger the Ultra Instinct state, demonstrate his ability to challenge even the most powerful warriors. In contrast, Broly, despite his immense strength, did not push Goku to such extreme limits.

While Broly's capacity for increasing his strength during a fight is recognized, it is still dependent on him mastering his abilities. In a potential battle with Jiren, who employs a controlled and strategic approach, Broly's unpredictability alone will not guarantee triumph.

Dragon Ball Super: Unveiling the Power Levels of Jiren and Broly

Dragon Ball Super: Golden Frieza (Image via Toei Animation)

In the epic battles of Dragon Ball Super, Jiren and Broly met different destinies against their formidable foes. Jiren, the formidable Pride Trooper, was ultimately vanquished by Goku in his Ultra Instinct form, showcasing Jiren's extraordinary strength as it took Goku at his peak to defeat him. Meanwhile, Broly was overpowered by the combined strength of Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta, a fusion of Goku and Vegeta. While some argue that Gogeta might be on par with Jiren, the undeniable truth is that it took Ultra Instinct Goku, a level above Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta, to conquer Jiren, highlighting Jiren's significant superiority over Broly in battle.

Final thoughts

In the vast Dragon Ball universe, Jiren and Broly stand as titans, each wielding immense power.

Jiren's extensive centuries of disciplined training give him a clear advantage over the wild Broly. While a showdown between the two would probably result in Jiren's expertise triumphing, there is still potential for Broly to narrow the gap with the appropriate training and dedication over time.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I have mixed feelings about the Dragon Ball Super series. On the one hand, I appreciate the new characters and storylines that have been introduced, such as Jiren and Broly. On the other hand, I feel that the series has strayed too far from the original Dragon Ball formula and has become too focused on power levels and flashy fights.

I think that Jiren is a well-designed character and a formidable opponent for Goku. His calm and collected demeanor is a nice contrast to Goku's more hot-headed personality, and his immense strength makes him a credible threat. However, I feel that Broly is a more interesting character. His berserker rage and tragic backstory make him more relatable and sympathetic than Jiren. I also think that his design is more visually striking than Jiren's.

Overall, I think that Jiren is the stronger character, but Broly is the more interesting character. I would be excited to see a fight between the two of them, but I think that Jiren would ultimately come out on top.