Doomfist's Epic Fail: Unraveling the Hilarious Backfire of His Empowered Punch in Overwatch 2

Doomfist's Epic Fail: Unraveling the Hilarious Backfire of His Empowered Punch in Overwatch 2

Doomfist's mighty Rocket Punch turns into a comical misfire in an amusing Overwatch 2 clip, as it unexpectedly launches enemies into the distance, robbing the player of a satisfying triple kill opportunity

Doomfist's abilities in Overwatch 2 have proven to be challenging to wield effectively, and a recent video showcases an unexpected consequence when one of his abilities backfires. These days, praise for Doomfist's kit is rare, as the overall weakness of his abilities has caused him to fall out of favor and become a contentious choice for tanks in Overwatch 2.

Without a doubt, Doomfist has experienced significant setbacks in Overwatch 2 due to the changes implemented. In the original game, he was a damage-focused hero, renowned for his satisfying gameplay and impressive power. However, his transition to the tank role in the sequel has placed him in an uncomfortable position. While some elements of his original kit remain intact, such as his Rising Uppercut ability being replaced by Power Block, which absorbs damage and enhances his subsequent Rocket Punch attack, his overall damage output has been significantly reduced.

Doomfist's struggle to consistently deal substantial damage has made him a frustrating choice for many fans. However, his slightly reworked abilities in Overwatch 2 do offer some utility. One fan on Reddit, named Over-Werewolf4223, shared a hilarious yet unfortunate clip showcasing the excessive knockback of Doomfist's empowered Rocket Punch. In a round on Lijiang Tower, the Doomfist player strategically positions themselves to knock three enemies off the map. However, the knockback is so strong that instead of falling to their doom, the opponents are smashed onto a different platform.

To make matters worse, the Doomfist player themselves is then knocked off the platform, falling to their demise due to Kiriko's Protection Suzu. Doomfist's highly-mobile nature often causes him to separate from the team, which goes against the expected playstyle of a tank hero in Overwatch 2. The drawbacks of Doomfist's abilities and attacks make him neither a convincing tank nor a particularly lethal damage character, leaving him in a difficult position where few players find value in choosing him.

The weight on a tank's shoulders has become even heavier recently due to the shift to 5-player teams, leaving each team with only one tank to lead the charge. Losing this tank can quickly result in disaster for the entire team, explaining why many fans have been urging Blizzard to give Doomfist a more significant rework since the release of Overwatch 2. The developers have attempted to enhance the character through various buffs in previous seasons, but unfortunately, these efforts have not been successful in restoring the hero's popularity.

Overwatch 2 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.