Dolly Parton's Encounter with Young Keanu Reeves

Dolly Parton's Encounter with Young Keanu Reeves

Dolly Parton reminisces about her heartwarming encounter with a young Keanu Reeves, long before his rise to fame Get ready to be captivated by their delightful first meeting

Two of the worlds most beloved celebrities go way back.

Dolly Parton has shared the story of how she first met Keanu Reeves when he was a young boy.

During a recent interview on Drew Barrymore's talk show, she inquired about the origin of the bunny outfit Dolly Parton wore on the cover of the October 1978 issue of Playboy magazine. Parton confirmed that her mother, costume designer Patricia Taylor, was the one behind the iconic look.

Parton reminisced, "Yes, she sewed a lot for me. She made many of my clothes, but I remember when Keanu was just a little boy. She would bring him over to my house for fittings or I would visit the shop where she worked."

Dolly Parton Reflects on Early Encounters with Keanu Reeves | The Drew Barrymore Show

Parton recalled getting a surprise visit from Reeves years later at a show venue, where he asked if she remembered him as the little boy who sat at her feet while his mother worked. She admitted that she knew he had become a star, but had not made the connection at the time.

Barrymore mentioned that she had heard Reeves dressed up as Parton for Halloween one year and mentioned that it was one of his favorite costumes. The actor recounted the story during an appearance on the "Late Show with David Letterman" in 2003.

Keanu Reeves Wore Dolly Parton's "Playboy" Costume | Letterman

"When I was 16, I was in Dolly Partons like outfit," he told Letterman. "I had the bustier, the ears."

Parton has been promoting both her new rock album, "Rockstar." and her book about her fashions.