Do you have to watch the Ted movies before Ted the Series?

Do you have to watch the Ted movies before Ted the Series?

Ted the Series: A hilarious return of the talking bear! Is it mandatory to see the movies for context? Let's unravel if prior viewing is essential for an enjoyable experience

Ted the talking bear is making a comeback with his own series, leaving fans wondering if they need to watch the two movies first in order to understand the storyline. Although Seth MacFarlane is famous for Family Guy, the Ted movies have also gained a significant following, leading to the release of a new prequel series.

The new Peacock series set in the 90s follows the story of a rude teddy bear named Ted who lives with 16-year-old John and his family in Massachusetts. Despite being a questionable influence, Ted is a loyal friend who is always there for his best friend. Given that there are already two Ted movies, is it necessary to watch them before watching the show?

Do you need to watch the Ted movies before the show?

It is not necessary to have seen the films in order to understand the main idea of the show, but viewing the movies before or after the show could enhance your enjoyment. You can find information on where to watch the Ted movies here.

The prequel series introduces the plot in its opening by depicting how Ted magically came to life and then became irrelevant and irresponsible, leading up to the start of the movies. Apart from this central concept, the show focuses on its own storyline, featuring only John and Ted as characters that appear in both the films and the show.

Originally released in 2012, Ted features Seth MacFarlane as the voice of the titular character, along with Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis. The synopsis follows the story of John Bennett (Mark Wahlberg) who, as a young boy, wished for his beloved teddy bear Ted (Seth MacFarlane) to come alive. Now, thirty years later, foul-mouthed Ted remains John's constant companion, much to the disapproval of Lori (Mila Kunis), John's girlfriend. Although Lori is frustrated by the duo's constant consumption of beer and weed, it might take the intervention of John's childhood toy to finally help him mature.

The movie unexpectedly became a smash hit, resulting in a 2015 sequel. The films have a distinct vibe from the show, with the former featuring more crude comedy and the latter a more sitcom feel.

In an interview with Dexerto about the series, actors Max Burkholder and Giorgia Whigham emphasized that the series was intended as a standalone project. Whigham stated, "People often ask, 'Do you have to watch the movies in order to get it?' Absolutely not. I think it is a standalone event series. With all the new characters that are introduced, we really wanted to make it unique to us and we all created a family dynamic, and I think that really shines through."

Ted the Series is now available to stream in full on Peacock. Read more of our coverage of the show below:

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I am excited about the release of Ted the Series and eager to see how the story of the talking bear continues. While I understand that the series is intended to be a standalone project, I believe that watching the Ted movies beforehand would enhance my enjoyment of the show. The movies provide important context and character development for Ted and John, and I think it would be beneficial to have that background knowledge before diving into the series.

Additionally, I appreciate that the actors involved in the series have emphasized that it is not necessary to have seen the movies in order to understand the plot. This makes the series accessible to a wider audience, including those who may not be familiar with the Ted movies. Overall, I am looking forward to watching Ted the Series and exploring the further adventures of Ted and John.
