Disheartening Announcement for PS5 Players on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Disheartening Announcement for PS5 Players on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's latest revelation surrounding its trophy list sparks outrage and confusion among passionate PS5 gamers and devoted Call of Duty fans

Article Key Points

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on PS5 lacks a platinum trophy and has a trophy list under Modern Warfare 2, leading fans to question its status as a standalone release.

Activision intends to introduce popular maps from Modern Warfare 2 into Modern Warfare 3, along with additional classic maps as multiplayer content following the game's release.

There are theories suggesting that the absence of a separate trophy list on the PS5 is linked to the Call of Duty HQ launcher app, while some believe it could be an oversight on Activision's part. Admirers of the game are expressing their discontent and annoyance regarding the perceived absence of worth in Modern Warfare 3.

The trophy list for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on the PlayStation 5 suggests that it could be seen as a DLC add-on for series fans of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Despite Activision's previous statement that Modern Warfare 3 would be a separate release, rumors indicate otherwise.

The upcoming remake of Modern Warfare 3 by Activision has many similarities to its predecessor for a logical reason. Content from Modern Warfare 2 will be carried over to Modern Warfare 3, and the co-developer Sledgehammer Games intends to include beloved maps from Modern Warfare 2 in Modern Warfare 3. Additionally, there are plans for more legacy maps to be added as post-launch multiplayer content. While some view Modern Warfare 3 as an expansion, Activision assures that it is a fully independent release.

Unfortunately, it appears that Modern Warfare 3 for the PS5 does not have its own dedicated trophy list or platinum trophy. Instead, its trophy list can be found within Modern Warfare 2, similar to a DLC. This setup is similar to Ghost of Tsushima's Iki Island DLC, which also has its trophy list within the main game. Interestingly, the PS4 version of Modern Warfare 3 does seem to have its own standalone trophy list and platinum trophy, though no pictures were provided to confirm this. Push Square suggests that the lack of a platinum trophy and standalone trophy list on the PS5 may be due to the Call of Duty HQ launcher app, which serves as a central hub for accessing recent Call of Duty games. It is possible that Activision chose Modern Warfare 2 as the primary game for all Call of Duty content on the PS5, and thus consolidated the trophy lists. However, other game developers have released collections of their games without merging the trophy lists.

While it is possible that this is the case, Activision might have made an error when assigning the PS5 trophy list for Modern Warfare 3. It may have intended to include a platinum trophy and a separate trophy list for the game, similar to what was done for the PS4 version. However, the comments on PowerPyx's X post are mostly negative, with numerous Call of Duty fans and trophy hunters expressing their dissatisfaction at the idea of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 being a $70 DLC for its predecessor. Regardless, Activision should address this discovery sooner rather than later.

Disheartening Announcement for PS5 Players on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023)

Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) is scheduled for release on November 10, 2023. The game follows the continuation of Captain Price's story from the previous games released in 2019 and 2022. Franchise: Call of Duty, Game Platform(s): PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS4, Xbox One. Release Date: November 10, 2023. Developer: Sledgehammer Games. Publisher: Activision. Genre: First-Person Shooter.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I'm disappointed and confused by the news that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on PS5 won't have its own platinum trophy or separate trophy list. This makes it seem like Modern Warfare 3 is just a DLC add-on for Modern Warfare 2, rather than a standalone release. I understand that Activision wants to carry over content from Modern Warfare 2 to Modern Warfare 3, but I think it's important for each game to have its own unique identity.

Also, as a trophy hunter, I'm always excited to unlock new trophies and earn platinum trophies. The fact that Modern Warfare 3 won't have its own platinum trophy is a big letdown for me. I hope that Activision will reconsider this decision and add a platinum trophy and separate trophy list for Modern Warfare 3 on PS5. Overall, I'm still excited for the release of Modern Warfare 3, but I'm definitely disappointed by the news about the trophies. I hope that Activision will address this issue soon and give PS5 players the same trophy experience as players on other platforms.