Discover Where Xur is This Weekend and What the Agent of the Nine Has for Sale

Discover Where Xur is This Weekend and What the Agent of the Nine Has for Sale

Embark on an exciting journey to find Xur and explore the treasures he has in store. Uncover the location of the enigmatic arms dealer and seize the opportunity to acquire powerful Exotic and Legendary-class goods.

Unveiling Xur's Location and Offerings

A new event inspired by Riven's Wishes is about to unfold, presenting a perfect opportunity to gear up and venture into the Dreaming City. The enigmatic arms dealer, Xur, is back with a captivating assortment of Exotic and Legendary-class goods, promising an array of high-power deals over the next few days.

Xur's location on Nessus

Xur's location on Nessus

This weekend, Xur has chosen Nessus as his base of operations, specifically in The Watcher's Grave. Among his offerings, Guardians will find the formidable Fighting Lion, the Foetracer helmet for Hunters, the Severance Enclosure chest armor for Titans, and the Lunafaction boots for Warlocks.

Unraveling Xur's Whereabouts

To locate Xur, head to Nessus and make your way to the Watcher's Grave transmat zone. Upon arrival, ride your sparrow and head north toward the area's exit. Keep an eye out for a majestic tree adorned with pink moss on the right side. Ascend to the large, flat branch of the tree to reach Xur's secretive hideaway.

Exotic and Legendary Treasures

Xur's offerings include an Exotic Engram for 97 Legendary Shards, the unique Fighting Lion for 29 Legendary Shards, the Foetracer for 23 Legendary Shards, the Severance Enclosure for 23 Legendary Shards, and the Lunafaction for 23 Legendary Shards. Additionally, the elusive Hawkmoon is available for 200 Legendary Shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, and 1 Exotic Cipher. Guardians can embark on the Xenology quest free of charge, and acquire legendary weapons and armor for 50 Legendary Shards and 1,000 Glimmer.

Xur's Weekend Presence

Xur graces Destiny 2 every weekend, making his appearance at the daily reset time of 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET each Friday. Novice players may find it challenging to locate him, as his exact position remains shrouded in mystery upon his arrival. However, seasoned players know that Xur frequents specific locations, including the Tower Hangar area, the Watcher's Grave on Nessus, and the Winding Cove area of the EDZ.

Embarking on the Journey

Prepare to embark on an exhilarating journey to uncover the enigmatic Xur's location and the enticing array of Exotic and Legendary-class goods he has to offer. Gear up and set out to seize the opportunity to obtain powerful items that will aid you in your adventures throughout the universe of Destiny 2.