Discover the Transformation of Cyberpunk 2077: GameSpot's Exclusive Documentary

Discover the Transformation of Cyberpunk 2077: GameSpot's Exclusive Documentary

Delve into CD Projekt Red's captivating documentary on the remarkable evolution of Cyberpunk 2077, as developers candidly share their challenges and the awe-inspiring turnaround of the highly anticipated game

Our Website's latest video series, Insider, is kicking off today with a mini-documentary featuring CD Projekt Red and the creation of Cyberpunk 2077. Our Website went to CD Projekt Red's headquarters in Poland and interviewed members of the development team to get an inside look at the challenges and eventual success of the RPG.

The developers openly discuss the significant issues that Cyberpunk 2077 faced during its launch in December 2020. These problems were so severe that the game was temporarily removed from sale on PlayStation. The team shares how they addressed these issues and implemented a strategy to turn things around, including a major structural overhaul.

CD Projekt Red has undeniably made significant strides in improving Cyberpunk 2077, with many noting that the game's 2.0 update heralded a new chapter for the beloved role-playing game. The developers shared valuable insights into the lessons learned from the original launch issues of Cyberpunk 2077 and how those insights were applied to the release of the game's Phantom Liberty expansion.

Be sure to watch the entire video, as it features a wealth of behind-the-scenes stories and anecdotes about the development of Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty, and more. Additionally, viewers will be treated to glimpses of CD Projekt's office dogs, including the adorable little Geralt.

The team captured the exciting moment when they pushed the button to launch Phantom Liberty live on camera. It gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at how a major studio like CD Projekt releases a game. Cyberpunk 2077 has become one of the most commercially successful RPGs in history, selling over 25 million copies, leading to the development of a sequel. In addition to this game, CD Projekt Red is also working on a new set of Witcher games and a remake of the original Witcher game.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of Cyberpunk 2077, I was thrilled to watch GameSpot's exclusive documentary about the game's transformation. The documentary provides an unprecedented look into the challenges that CD Projekt Red faced during the game's development and the awe-inspiring turnaround that they achieved.

The developers' candor in discussing the issues that they faced was refreshing and honest. They openly acknowledged the problems with the game's launch and explained the steps that they took to address them. It was clear that they were committed to making things right with the fans, and their hard work has paid off.

Cyberpunk 2077 is now a much better game than it was at launch, and it continues to improve with each update. The developers have shown that they are listening to the feedback from the fans and are committed to making the game the best that it can be. I am excited to see what the future holds for Cyberpunk 2077 and CD Projekt Red.