Cosmic Fury, the upcoming Power Rangers season, defies multiple franchise conventions and challenges well-known Power Rangers clichés. Despite its new moniker, Cosmic Fury essentially serves as the third season of Power Rangers Dino Fury with the majority of the Dino Fury cast making a return for this special installment commemorating Power Rangers' 30th anniversary.
Following the reunion of some original Power Rangers characters in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always, the franchise now unveils a markedly distinct series. Cosmic Fury takes an unconventional approach that deviates from the typical Power Rangers format, despite being a continuation of Dino Fury. From its episode quantity to its utilization of Sentai footage, here are 10 exhilarating deviations from traditional Power Rangers standards exhibited in Cosmic Fury.
10 Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Will Only Have 10 Episodes
Power Rangers seasons typically consist of either 22 or 23 episodes. For instance, Power Rangers Dino Fury boasted a total of 44 episodes, with 22 episodes in each season. However, Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will deviate from this norm with a mere 10 episodes, leading to a notable departure in Power Rangers' usual format and subsequently impacting the storyline. Many iconic aspects of Power Rangers, such as the renowned "monster-of-the-week" formula and the inclusion of filler episodes, stem from the fact that Power Rangers shows often encompass over 20 episodes per season. In a similar fashion to the release of Power Rangers Dino Fury season 2, all 10 episodes of Cosmic Fury will be simultaneously available on Netflix.
9 Power Rangers Cosmic Fury’s Suits Are Original Costumes
Unlike previous Power Rangers series, the Power Rangers Cosmic Fury costumes are not adapted from any Super Sentai series. While they draw inspiration from Uchu Sentai Kyuranger, the actual Kyuranger costumes will not be used. Instead, the Cosmic Fury suits were specially created for this show, marking a first in the Power Rangers franchise. In the past, we have seen original American Power Rangers costumes, like the Titanium Ranger from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue. Additionally, the 1995 Power Rangers movie introduced original suits that reimagined the Mighty Morphin costumes. However, we have never seen an entire Power Rangers team donning costumes that were not derived from a Super Sentai show.
8 Power Rangers Cosmic Fury’s Weapons Are Also Original
Considering that the Kyuranger suits will not be utilized in Cosmic Fury, it would be illogical for the Power Rangers to incorporate weapons from that particular show. As a result, Power Ranger Cosmic Fury has introduced original creations specifically designed for the series' weapons. Unlike the Dino Fury Power Rangers who all wielded similar swords, each Ranger in Cosmic Fury will possess a distinctive weapon. For instance, Amelia, the Red Ranger in Cosmic Fury, will employ a hammer, while Javi, the Black Ranger, will utilize an axe. These brand new Power Rangers costumes and weapons are inspired by their original Dino Fury zords, although it is highly likely that the Rangers will also obtain new Zords in due course.
7 Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Will Use Less Sentai Footage
Cosmic Fury, unlike previous Power Rangers shows, will rely less on Sentai footage. While it may be hard to envision a Power Rangers series without Super Sentai scenes, this franchise has demonstrated its ability to thrive even with minimal dependence on Sentai footage. To illustrate, most of the fight scenes in the third season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were original content. In the case of Cosmic Fury, Kyuranger will primarily be utilized for the Zord battles, leaving the "ground battles" to be entirely comprised of unique sequences. This affords Cosmic Fury a much greater degree of creative freedom in comparison to previous seasons.
6 Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Won’t Be A "Monster-Of-The-Week" Show
The tweet from the official Power Rangers Twitter account confirmed that only a partial adaptation of Kyuranger would be done in Cosmic Fury. This may disappoint fans who were hoping for a full Power Rangers version of the 2017 Sentai show. However, with Power Rangers' future after Cosmic Fury being a mystery and a new scripted, young adult Power Rangers show in development, this season could serve as a bridge between the old and new formats. If Power Rangers decides to halt the adaptation of Sentai shows completely, Cosmic Fury would be an early indication of what the future of the franchise might hold.
By adopting a 10-episode structure and introducing original costumes and scenes, Cosmic Fury distinguishes itself from the repetitive "monster-of-the-week" formula commonly associated with Power Rangers. Unlike previous seasons, which often featured countless episodes solely dedicated to defeating the weekly villain, Cosmic Fury is set to prioritize the captivating Lord Zedd storyline while still incorporating exciting monster battles. With a condensed season, Cosmic Fury promises a fresh and compelling Power Rangers experience.
5 Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Won’t Have Filler
It can be challenging to incorporate the concept of filler when discussing Power Rangers because only a few episodes per season are connected to a larger storyline. Power Rangers has maintained its episodic format since its inception, with each mission functioning as a self-contained story. Although exceptions like Mighty Morphin's "Green With Evil" or Power Rangers in Space's "Rangers Gone Psycho" exist, they are not the norm. However, with Cosmic Fury, Power Rangers will finally deviate from its usual formula. With only 10 episodes dedicated to this Dino Fury season 3 narrative, there will be no time for random missions or filler events.
4 Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Won’t Have A Comic Relief Duo Every Episode
It has been confirmed that Cosmic Fury will not feature the typical comic relief duo that is often seen in Power Rangers episodes, a tradition that can be traced back to Mighty Morphin's Bulk and Skull. In seasons 1 and 2 of Power Ranger Dino Fury, Jane and J-Borg formed the comic relief duo, frequently appearing in the BuzzBlast office or wherever the Power Rangers were battling. As Cosmic Fury is set in space, it is expected that there will be fewer BuzzBlast comic relief scenes compared to Dino Fury.
3 Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Has A Female Red Ranger Leader
Cosmic Fury marks a significant milestone in Power Rangers history as it introduces the first female Red Ranger to lead a team. While Amelia is not the first female Red Ranger overall, she will be the pioneering leader among her fellow Rangers. Previously serving as Dino Fury's Pink Ranger, Amelia now takes on the role of the Red Ranger in Cosmic Fury. It is intriguing to discover the reasons behind her transformation into the Cosmic Fury Red Ranger, as well as to unveil Zayto's Zenith Ranger form. Regardless, the addition of a new Red Ranger defies one of the franchise's long-standing conventions.
2 Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Will Have Fewer Zord & Megazord Battles
With only 10 episodes and no monster-of-the-week format, Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will have fewer Zord and Megazord battles than previous seasons. While most of these Cosmic Fury Zord battles will come from Kyuranger, the next Power Rangers season is also expected to feature some original Zord fights. Power Rangers battles have traditionally relied heavily on Zords and Megazords, but this limits the uniqueness of each battle. By breaking away from the formula of ending every episode with a Megazord fight, Cosmic Fury aims to bring a fresh and unpredictable experience.
1 Power Rangers Cosmic Fury’s Intro Won’t Use "Go Go Power Rangers
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, the third season of Dino Fury, will deviate from the recent trend of incorporating the iconic phrase "Go go Power Rangers" in their intros.