Diablo 4's Mysterious Silent Chests Spark Outrage Among Players

Diablo 4's Mysterious Silent Chests Spark Outrage Among Players

Disappointed Diablo 4 players question the value of Whispering Keys as Silent Chest loot fails to meet expectations, raising concerns about the worthiness of investing in these elusive items

Fans of Diablo 4 are expressing their disappointment with the rewards provided by the Silent Chests in the game. This adds to the growing list of concerns that some players have with Diablo 4.

The looting system is a crucial aspect of any Diablo game. The thrill of defeating powerful demons lies in obtaining their impressive weapons and gear. In Diablo 4, one of the new methods of looting is through opening Silent Chests. These chests can be found throughout the game world and require a Whispering Key to unlock. Players can acquire these keys by purchasing them from the Purveyor of Curiosities vendors, located in the major cities of the game, for 20 Murmuring Obols.

The main issue surrounding these Silent Chests is whether the rewards inside are worth the cost of the Obols. Many fans argue that they are not.

The general consensus among Reddit users, including the original poster, is that Silent Chests in Diablo 4 are highly disappointing. Numerous users shared their own experiences, recounting how they opened a significant number of these chests without finding any valuable gear or weapons. It was noted that the gear found in these chests is often comparable to what can be obtained by defeating low-level enemies, rather than the powerful gear one would expect from overcoming challenging foes in the game. The frustration is further compounded by the fact that opening a Silent Chest requires spending 20 Obols, making it even more disheartening when the rewards are lackluster. The sentiment expressed in the comments suggests that many players believe Silent Chests are not worth the investment, particularly for characters above level 50 who can find better alternatives. Some users recommend focusing on participating in Diablo 4’s Helltide events instead, while others claim that the quality of items found in Silent Chests improves in World Tier 4. Overall, it is clear that the majority of the fanbase is anything but enthusiastic about Silent Chests.

Fans can only hope that Blizzard Entertainment will release a patch to enhance the hidden chests, although it remains uncertain whether this is a priority for the company. In the meantime, players are advised to utilize their Murmuring Obols to acquire other rewards from the Purveyor of Curiosities until the issue with Silent Chests is resolved.

Diablo 4 is currently accessible on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.