Diablo 4's Building Design Draws Laughter from Fans

Diablo 4 fans have spotted a hilarious flaw in the game's buildings, pointing out a comical fact that doesn't make sense when closely examined Get ready to laugh at this amusing glitch in Sanctuary's architecture!
While playing Diablo 4, a gamer noticed an amusing inconsistency in the game's architecture. The Cellars, which are one-room areas where players can vanquish monsters and solve puzzles to earn rewards, are scattered throughout Sanctuary. These mini-dungeons are randomly generated and can range from ancient ruins to actual holes in the ground, making for an exciting and varied gameplay experience.
During a Diablo 4 playthrough, a Redditor named SadKings stumbled upon a peculiar detail concerning the Cellars in the game. They discovered a small shack with an attached Cellar, but upon venturing into the instance, they were surprised to find that it was significantly larger than the building above it. The odd proportions of the structure prompted them to question the practicality of such constructions. While the concept of real estate in a grim world like Sanctuary may seem amusing, it's evident that every building, dungeon, and ruin in the game had to be constructed by someone or something, despite the lack of active construction seen by players. The procedurally-generated instances in Diablo 4 have left many fans marveling at the imaginative architecture.
SadKings’ peculiar building designs in Diablo 4 garnered comedic explanations from fellow fans of the game. Some attributed the large basements to the dangers lurking in the wilds of Sanctuary, while others speculated that all the Cellars in the game were constructed by the same twisted architect due to their near-identical features. A few even drew parallels from the horror movie Barbarian, where a landlord discovers a torture dungeon in his basement and rents it out to tenants.
Diablo 4’s early access period allows for players to fully explore the perplexing real estate of Sanctuary. However, to do so, fans must purchase the Deluxe or Ultimate editions of the game, or upgrade from the Standard edition. Upon its official release on June 5 at 4 PM PST, players with any version can log in and delve into the numerous Cellars, Dungeons, and Strongholds scattered throughout the game world, each filled with increasingly terrifying monsters.
Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.