Diablo 4 Enthusiasts Stumble Upon Compelling Clues to an Elusive Cow Level

Diablo 4 Enthusiasts Stumble Upon Compelling Clues to an Elusive Cow Level

Diablo 4 enthusiasts discover compelling clues suggesting the existence of a Secret Cow level, fueling excitement within the community


Diablo 4 players are convinced that there may be a Secret Cow level in the game, despite a Blizzard team member denying its existence.

The Secret Cow level has become a long-standing feature in the Diablo franchise, appearing in both Diablo 2 and the Resurrected version. A player alleges to have uncovered a method to acquire three relics that may grant entry to the Forlorn Hovel, a potential gateway to the Secret Cow level. However, the search for further clues has reached a standstill.

Some Diablo 4 players have discovered potential clues that suggest the existence of a Secret Cow level within the game. Despite a denial from a Blizzard team member, fans persistently pursue the truth, especially considering the significance this level holds in the franchise.

Originally rumored upon the release of the first Diablo game, the Secret Cow level eventually materialized in Diablo 2. Even in the Resurrected version of Diablo 2, the Secret Cow level remained. In Diablo 3, the tradition continued with the inclusion of the level as an Easter egg in Whimsyshire. Although initially intended for comedic purposes, the level was filled with formidable Hell Bovines. Diablo 2's version of the Secret Cow level served as an endgame destination that fostered cooperative play and character progression. Despite ongoing debunking by team members, some players maintain their belief in the existence of a Secret Cow level in Diablo 4.

One player in Diablo 4 claims to have discovered a method for obtaining three relics that are possibly required to access the Secret Cow level. They claim that by slaughtering a total of 666 cows, one of the three relics needed to craft a key can be obtained. The type of relic obtained depends on the region where the 666th cow is killed, with options being a Bloody Wooden Shard, a Musty Tome, or a Metallic Fragment. Once the key is successfully crafted, it can be used to unlock the Forlorn Hovel, a hidden cellar that serves as a summoning point for a portal to the secret level. As expected, the Forlorn Hovel is filled with cows, and one of them drops a Stamina Potion as a reference to the Cow King from Diablo 2.

The search for the Secret Cow level in Diablo has reached a standstill, leaving players hopeful for more. Despite the silence from developers and the denial from some members of Blizzard, a recent finding supports Blizzard president Mike Ybarra's tweet about a rumored Secret Cow Level in Diablo 4. As Diablo 4 is currently in its second season, called Season of Blood, it is expected to have a lasting impact and may bring forth additional content. The unearthing of the Forlorn Hovel could potentially mark the start of more content related to the demonic cows within the Diablo universe.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.