Devastating News for Diablo Fans: Secret Cow Level Doesn't Exist in Diablo 4

Devastating News for Diablo Fans: Secret Cow Level Doesn't Exist in Diablo 4

Sorry to disappoint, but Diablo 4 won't have any secret cow levels Despite developer confirmation, some players refuse to accept the truth

Confirmed by a Diablo 4 developer, the game will not feature the beloved secret cow level that players have come to know and love. The highly anticipated fourth installment of the Diablo franchise will instead take players on a thrilling adventure through the world of Sanctuary as they track down Lilith, the Queen of Succubi and Daughter of Hatred. While Diablo has had many memorable moments over the years, the secret cow level in Diablo 2, also known as Moo Moo Farm, remains one of the most iconic. Players could trigger the event by combining Wirt's Leg and a Tome of Town Portal in the Horadric Cube after completing the game's main story, resulting in a red portal to an area filled with Hell Bovines. This level became a popular spot for players to level up, and was even featured as an Easter egg in Diablo 3's Whimsyshire.

Despite Diablo general manager Rod Fergusson's statement that there is no secret cow level in Diablo 4, some players remain skeptical and are actively searching for it. While there have been hints, such as the mention of "Oxen Gods" in Ked Bardu at the Dry Steppes, they have been dismissed as a stretch. One player, named Carpeggios, has even created a Discord server for fellow enthusiasts to continue the search based on alleged datamined information and clues found on the internet.

Despite ongoing efforts from members of Carpeggios' Discord server, the alleged secret cow level in Diablo 4 remains elusive. Regardless, these determined players continue to scour the game for any possible clues that might lead them to this rumored game mode. While some may argue that the secret cow level may not exist at all, Carpeggios and their team remain committed to testing out different ideas in the hopes of triggering it. However, as of yet, there has been no concrete news of their success. Nevertheless, players can still immerse themselves in Diablo 4's rich endgame system while the search for the secret cow level continues. Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Source: PC Gamer