Decoding Prometheus: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Alien Universe

Uncover the enigmatic conclusion of Ridley Scott's prequel to the Alien franchise, Prometheus Discover the connection between the films and the sci-fi horror's plot before delving into its final moments
What is Prometheus About?
In 2012, Ridley Scott returned to the Alien franchise with Prometheus, a film that brought back the horror element to the series while also exploring the origin story of the iconic alien creatures. The movie features an impressive ensemble cast that includes Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, and Guy Pearce. With its thought-provoking storyline and essential questions about the origins of the alien creatures, Prometheus is a fitting addition to the Alien franchise.
Set in the late 21st century, Prometheus follows two archeologists, Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway, who stumble upon a celestial map in Scotland. The map matches other star maps from ancient cultures, leading Shaw and Holloway to believe that it points to the Engineers, the ancestors of humanity. They present their findings to billionaire Peter Weyland, his associate Meredith Vickers, an android named David, and other crew members of the Prometheus, a spaceship reminiscent of those used in the Alien films. Despite their doubts, Shaw and Holloway lead the mission to a mountainous area where they discover breathable air and mysterious evidence, including a statue of a humanoid head, a decapitated corpse of an alien believed to be an Engineer, and large cylinders containing a dark liquid.
It is revealed that the alien corpse discovered by Shaw and Holloway shares the same DNA as humans. This discovery suggests a close relationship between the Engineers and their associated alien species with the human race. However, the question remains as to why they would seek to destroy Earth, leading to speculation that they may view themselves as predators who must feed on their prey to survive and prove their dominance as the fittest species.
How Does Prometheus Connect To The Alien Franchise?
Prometheus follows the classic Alien formula of humans battling against monstrous alien creatures. The film's protagonist, Elizabeth Shaw, possesses the same tenacity and determination to defeat evil and complete the mission as franchise icon Ellen Ripley. Both characters have also experienced the emotional toll of losing their entire crew and facing death at the hands of the extraterrestrial beings. A particularly gruesome scene sees Shaw performing surgery on herself to remove an alien fetus from her body, paying homage to the iconic chest-bursting scene from the original Alien film.
Michael Fassbender's character, David, is an android with a similar level of intelligence and knowledge of his crew and spaceship as Ian Holm's Ash from the first film and Lance Henriksen's Bishop from the second. However, David shares more similarities with Ash as they both deceive their own crew members in favor of their admiration for the alien creatures they encounter. David is also fascinated by human behavior and how his crew responds to dangerous situations. What sets David apart from other androids is his desire to have a soul and to be recognized, along with his stylish appearance inspired by Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia and the calculated precision of HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Idris Elba's Janek is the captain of the Prometheus spaceship, similar to Tom Skerritt's Captain Dallas in the original Alien film. Janek prioritizes the safety and well-being of his crew and the ship, but like many characters in the Alien franchise, conflicts arise due to the crew's mistrust and dysfunction, as well as their individual agendas.
Vickers in Prometheus is a calculating and controlling character, with her own ulterior motives regarding the Engineers. She shares similarities with Burke from Aliens as a representative for the Weyland corporation, but unlike Burke, Vickers is not willing to bring danger to Earth. While lacking the intense action of Aliens, Prometheus still delivers gruesome death scenes involving both the aliens and human characters, as well as the use of weaponry such as gun blasters and flamethrowers.
How Does Prometheus End?
After Holloway's death and Shaw's successful extraction of the alien baby from her stomach, Peter Weyland orders David to take him to an Engineer at the mountainous structure the crew had observed earlier. Weyland's ultimate goal is to seek answers on how to extend his life and avoid death from old age. However, David's attempt to communicate with the Engineer and retrieve information in the Proto-Indo-European language results in a violent response, with the Engineer decapitating David and killing Weyland and his team.
As Vickers witnesses the tragic events unfold, she orders Janek to return the crew home, but Shaw reveals the Engineer's plan to attack Earth with the deadly liquid. In a heroic act, Janek and his team sacrifice themselves by crashing into the Engineer's spacecraft, ultimately destroying both ships. Despite the tragedy, Shaw manages to survive and frees the now-grown alien baby from the lifeboat, using it to kill the Engineer.
With a newfound determination to uncover the truth about the Engineers and their plans for humanity, Shaw sets out on a journey with the help of David's head and body. While Prometheus may leave many questions unanswered, it offers an intriguing glimpse into the origins of the aliens and their connection with human DNA. Additionally, the return of Ridley Scott to the director's chair adds a thrilling element of horror to the franchise.