Jujutsu Kaisen features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique abilities and quirks. From Gojo Satoru to Ryomen Sukuna to Hiromi Higuruma, each character possesses a distinct technique that sets them apart. One such character is Masamichi Yaga, the Principal of Tokyo Jujutsu High.
Yaga, a Cursed Corpse User, is best known for creating the beloved Panda. Before taking on the role of Principal, he mentored prominent second-years such as Gojo Satoru, Suguru Geto, and Shoko Ieiri. However, what made Yaga stand out was his sorcerer grade - despite his talents, he was only a Grade 1 Sorcerer.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Why Masamichi Yaga is only a Grade 1 Sorcerer
Masamichi Yaga and his Cursed Corpses in Jujutsu Kaisen (Image via MAPPA)
Masamichi Yaga held the rank of Grade 1 Sorcerer, attributed to the danger posed by his Cursed Corpse. Concerns arose among the leadership about the possibility of him assembling an army of powerful, sentient Cursed Corpses, with Panda being the pinnacle of his creations. Panda, a mutated Cursed Corpse with three self-sustaining cores, emotions, and unique abilities, was meticulously raised and trained by Yaga in the ways of battle and Cursed Energy. As a result, Panda is regarded as the most formidable of Yaga's creations in Jujutsu Kaisen.
Apart from his Cursed Corpses, he excelled as a close-quarters combatant, skilled in hand-to-hand combat. He demonstrated his prowess by facing sorcerers without relying on his Cursed Corpses. Yaga possessed extensive knowledge of Cursed Energy and Souls, enabling him to perform remarkable feats. For example, he utilized Atsuya Kusakabe’s nephew’s soul to create a tailored corpse that brought comfort to his mother, showcasing his mastery of the technique and his ability to animate lifeless objects.
Puppet Manipulation vs Cursed Corpse
Kokichi Muta and Masamichi Yaga in Jujutsu Kaisen (Image via MAPPA)
Viewers may currently associate him with Mechamaru, also known as Kokichi Muta, but the two are neither the same nor similar. Kokichi possesses a technique known as Puppet Manipulation, enabling him to remotely control Cursed Corpse Puppets over a wide range. These puppets, including Mechamaru, can emit Cursed Energy as heat rays, along with various other abilities.
An important distinction to note is that Mechamaru's puppets are not self-sustaining, as they are powered and controlled by the Cursed Energy provided by Kokichi. This is in contrast to Cursed Corpses.
In Conclusion
Meanwhile, with Yaga, the puppets operate independently, as evidenced by Panda and others. Yaga has the ability to create artificial souls and infuse them into dolls or corpses, animating them. Subsequently, these puppets possess their own Cursed Energy and, as depicted in the story, fulfill various roles in the Jujutsu society.
Undoubtedly, Masamichi Yaga possessed incredible power as a Curse User, particularly excelling in puppet jujutsu. His profound knowledge and substantial Cursed Energy levels made him likely the strongest in this aspect. Despite this, he remained a Grade 1 due to the potential danger of creating Panda-level corpses.
After the Shibuya Arc in Jujutsu Kaisen, Masamichi Yaga was condemned to death by the authorities for instigating violence between Gojo and Geto. They accused him of being behind the Shibuya Incident, but in reality, they simply wanted his formula. Yaga let Gakuganji inflict serious injuries on him and, in his final moments, passed on the formula while also placing a curse on him.
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z netizen, I find Masamichi Yaga's character in Jujutsu Kaisen to be intriguing and complex. His limited sorcerer rank despite his impressive abilities highlights the political and hierarchical nature of the jujutsu world. Yaga's expertise in Cursed Corpse manipulation sets him apart from other sorcerers, and his creation of Panda showcases his mastery over this technique. The contrast between Yaga's Cursed Corpses and Kokichi Muta's Puppet Manipulation further emphasizes the uniqueness of his abilities.
Yaga's tragic fate, being condemned to death for a crime he did not commit, adds a layer of depth to his character. His willingness to sacrifice himself to protect his formula and pass it on to Gakuganji demonstrates his dedication to the jujutsu world and his belief in the potential of his creations. Overall, Masamichi Yaga's character adds complexity and richness to the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, and his contributions to the story leave a lasting impact on both the characters and the readers.