Concerns Mount Among DC Fans Over the Future of the Superman Legacy

Concerns Mount Among DC Fans Over the Future of the Superman Legacy

DC fans are concerned as James Gunn's Superman Legacy casts María Gabriela de Faría as the Engineer, causing alarm bells to ring within the fanbase

María Gabriela de Faría has been cast as the Engineer in James Gunn's Superman Legacy, leading to excitement and speculation among DC fans. The ensemble for the Superman reboot has been growing steadily since its announcement in December 2022, with notable additions including David Corenswet as Clark Kent Superman, Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Nathan Fillion as Guy Gardner, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific, and Isabela Merced as Hawkgirl.

Several characters in the DC Universe have connections to the wider universe, and Faría's Engineer is no exception. In the comic book source material for Superman Legacy, the Engineer is a part of the Authority, a group of superheroes renowned for their aggressive approach to fighting crime.

After the release of Superman Legacy in July 2025, the Engineer and her fellow Authority members are expected to have their own movie. It is likely that the Engineer's appearance in Superman Legacy will lay the groundwork for this upcoming solo film. While some DC fans are thrilled about this development, others may view it as a reason to be concerned.

Superman Legacy has DC fans worried for a big reason

The fears of these DC enthusiasts are confirmed by Faría's portrayal of the Engineer in Superman Legacy, as they believe that Gunn is introducing an excessive number of heroes and villains into the film.

User X voiced their concerns about the extensive cast of this movie, questioning how all these characters will fit into one film. Another user expressed worry, hoping that the movie will not turn into a Guardians movie with Superman. Additionally, a different poster asked if James Gunn realizes that he doesn't need to include the entire DC roster in this film, suggesting a more measured approach.

Why Jacob Elordi turned down Superman Legacy

It should be noted that these concerns are not shared by everyone. In fact, a number of X users have expressed their excitement over Faría's inclusion in Superman Legacy as the Engineer. Several posts have praised Gunn's decision to hire a Latina actor for the role, citing Faría's previous performance in Deadly Class, another comic book adaptation, as evidence of her suitability for the part.

It is currently uncertain how significant the Engineer's role will be in Superman Legacy, but Faría will have a greater amount of screen time compared to Jacob Elordi. The Australian actor recently revealed that he turned down the chance to audition for the Superman role because he is not interested in the superhero genre. Elordi stated, "When they asked me to read for Superman, I immediately declined. That is too overwhelming and too bleak for my taste."

For all the latest Superman Legacy content, be sure to check out Dexerto’s full coverage here.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan, I have mixed feelings about the casting of María Gabriela de Faría as the Engineer in James Gunn's Superman Legacy. On the one hand, I am excited to see a Latina actor in such a prominent role in a DC film. Faría is a talented actor, and I believe she will bring a unique perspective to the character. On the other hand, I am concerned that the film will be too crowded with characters. With so many heroes and villains vying for screen time, I worry that the story will suffer. I hope that Gunn is able to balance the large cast effectively and give each character their due.

Additionally, I am concerned about the Engineer's role in the film. In the comic books, the Engineer is a member of the Authority, a group of superheroes known for their aggressive approach to fighting crime. I am worried that the Engineer's inclusion in the film will signal a shift in tone for the DC Universe. I prefer the more hopeful and optimistic tone of the DCEU, and I am concerned that the Engineer's presence will make the films darker and more violent.