Complete Guide to Finding Little Tuya in Diablo 4's Blood and Sweat Quest

Complete Guide to Finding Little Tuya in Diablo 4's Blood and Sweat Quest

Uncover the mystery of Little Tuya in Diablo 4's Blood and Sweat quest Navigate treacherous obstacles and fierce enemies to complete this exciting side quest

Diablo 4 Blood and Sweat Quest Walkthrough

in Diablo 4 offer players a chance to level up their characters and explore new areas on the map. Completing certain objectives is necessary to unlock some of these quests, and the Blood and Sweat quest is one of them. Ignoring a particular activity can cause players to miss out on this side quest. In this article, we will discuss how to unlock the Blood and Sweat quest and provide tips on how to complete it.

Complete Guide to Finding Little Tuya in Diablo 4's Blood and Sweat Quest

Players will need to complete The Ruins of Qara-Yisu Stronghold before they can access the Blood and Sweat side quest. This stronghold is situated in the Dry Steppes region, and players can reach it by walking west from the Nevesk waypoint.

After defeating the boss and clearing the land, the Ruins of Qara-Yisu Stronghold will transform into a bustling town complete with vendors, a convenient waypoint, and exciting side quests to explore. One of these quests, known as Blood and Sweat, can be found on the southern end of the town, marked by a distinctive blue exclamation point on the map.

Complete Guide to Finding Little Tuya in Diablo 4's Blood and Sweat Quest

To activate the Blood and Sweat side quest, players must interact with the Bloodstained Letter found on the ground. The objective is to locate "Little Tuya," which fortunately isn't too far away. The blue circle on the map indicates its location, and players can easily reach it by walking north and taking the middle path to the rooftop of the house in the center of the circle. On the right side of the roof, players will find a Disturbed Stone, underneath which lies Little Tuya, a Crude Doll. Picking it up will progress the side quest.

Players can complete the quest by returning the Crude Doll to the real Tuya in Alzuuda, a town located in the west side of Dry Steppes and adjacent to the Kehjistan region. If the waypoint is not already unlocked, players may need to travel a considerable distance, but the journey can be made easier with the help of a mount. While Alzuuda is situated within a PVP zone, players need not worry about their safety while passing through the town.

Complete Guide to Finding Little Tuya in Diablo 4's Blood and Sweat Quest

Complete Guide to Finding Little Tuya in Diablo 4's Blood and Sweat Quest

Finding Tuya in the northern section of Alzuuda is a breeze with the help of the map. Once you speak to her, she will give you the coveted Little Tuya doll, marking the completion of the quest. As a reward for finishing the Blood and Sweat side quest, players will receive valuable resources, gold, and a small amount of XP.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.