Complete Guide to Alan Wake 2: Uncovering Nursery Rhymes and Collectible Dolls
Uncover the secrets of Alan Wake 2 with our comprehensive guide Solve Nursery Rhyme puzzles, locate all dolls, and navigate through Cauldron Lake, Watery, and Bright Falls Get ready for an immersive gaming experience like never before
Discovering the eerie secrets of Alan Wake 2 brings you face to face with the spine-chilling combination of Nursery Rhymes and dolls. Solve the perplexing passages of these rhymes, and prepare to witness eerie and unexpected occurrences unfolding around you. Our comprehensive guide unravels all the Nursery Rhymes featured in Alan Wake 2, along with the dolls that you can collect during your journey.
Table of Contents:
- All Nursery Rhymes and dolls in Alan Wake 2
- Revealing the locations of all Nursery Rhymes and the ultimate puzzle solution.
Cauldron Lake Nursery Rhymes and DollsNursery Rhyme #1
Nursery Rhyme #2
Nursery Rhyme #3
Nursery Rhyme #4
Watery Nursery Rhymes and DollsNursery Rhyme #1A
Nursery Rhyme #1B
Nursery Rhyme #1C
Nursery Rhyme #2A
Nursery Rhyme #2B
Nursery Rhyme #2C
Nursery Rhyme #3A
Nursery Rhyme #3B
Bright Falls Nursery Rhymes and DollsNursery Rhyme #1
Nursery Rhyme #2
Nursery Rhyme #3
Nursery Rhyme #4
All Nursery Rhymes and dolls in Alan Wake 2
Once you have completed the Return 2 - The Heart chapter in Alan Wake 2, you will come across the Nursery Rhymes and dolls. These can be found after clearing the Overlap encounter, which causes the flood waters in Cauldron Lake to recede. In the northwestern part of the zone, you will notice some peculiar things: drawings on the ground, a note left behind, a few cameras, and several containers. It appears that someone is conducting an experiment of some kind.
The Nursery Rhyme passages pertain to dolls that are located near the puzzles that mention them. Each passage in the rhyme corresponds to a specific doll that needs to be placed on the correct position or drawing. The first letter of the required dolls is often capitalized to provide a hint.
How to reveal all Nursery Rhyme locations and the final puzzle
Similarly, in various zones, you can find the Witchfinder's Station and Ranger Stations. These locations often contain documents referring to the "test sites." When you read these documents, the map will mark the locations of the Nursery Rhymes in that specific zone. Additionally, after successfully solving all the Nursery Rhymes in Alan Wake 2, you'll encounter one final puzzle. For more information on this, please refer to our Witchfinder's Station Nursery Rhyme guide.
The Nursery Rhyme locations on your map are documented at the Ranger Stations in each zone.
Cauldron Lake Nursery Rhymes and Dolls
In Cauldron Lake, there are several Nursery Rhymes and dolls from Alan Wake 2. Many of these can be found early on, but one of them requires some progress to access.
A map showing the locations of the Nursery Rhymes in Cauldron Lake
Nursery Rhyme #1
Chapter: Return 2 - The Heart
Nursery Rhyme location: Just across the bridge that leads to the northwestern portion of the zone.
Dolls: Crow Doll - Found near the puzzle.
Solution: Crow Doll - Sun.
Reward: Hammer Charm - Attacks stagger enemies more often.
Reward location: Pick it up from the nearby table.
Nursery Rhyme #2
Chapter: Return 2 - The Heart
Nursery Rhyme location: Right next to the Private Cabin save point.
Solution: Crow Doll - Egg; Hero Doll - Heart; Wolf Doll - House.
Reward: Kalevala Knights Charm - Increases the Hand Flare's duration and area-of-effect.
Reward location: Follow the shadow footsteps leading to the pond.
Nursery Rhyme #3
Chapter: Return 2 - The Heart
Location: Right outside the Witchfinder's Station, make sure to remember this spot as you will come back here later after solving all the Nursery Rhyme puzzles.
Dolls: Discover the Wolf Doll and Hero Doll in a play pen located on the second floor.
Solution: Wolf Doll - Tree; Hero Doll - Boat.
Reward: Coffee Mug Charm - Saves you from death, but shatters in the process.
Reward location: Found on the second-floor play area where you picked up the dolls.
Nursery Rhyme #4
After completing the "Return 5 - Old Gods" chapter, you will find the Nursery Rhyme location inside one of the buildings in the Rental Cabins area. Prior to accessing it, make sure you have obtained the Bolt Cutters.
Dolls: Father Doll (reward)
Solution: Monster Doll - Egg; Crow Doll - Eye; Hero Doll - Jewelry.
Coffee Mug Charm and Father Doll are the rewards you can obtain. Look out for a strong enemy wielding a sledgehammer. Once you defeat them, you'll see that the wall across from your location has been demolished, granting you access to the cabin. To obtain the charm, inspect the shelf. The Father Doll, on the other hand, can be found inside a unique container on the floor.
Watery Nursery Rhymes and Dolls
Watery Village is known for having the highest number of Nursery Rhyme puzzles in Alan Wake 2. We have categorized them into different sets. The puzzles in the first set can be completed earlier in the chapter, while the rest require you to either clear the Overlap encounter to make the flood waters recede or obtain the necessary tools.
Here is a map depicting the locations of the Nursery Rhymes in Watery Village.
Nursery Rhyme #1A
Chapter: Return 3 - Local Girl
Nursery Rhyme location: In the clearing seen as you follow the dirt path to the forest.
Dolls: Moose Doll and Deer Doll - Found near the puzzle area.
Solution: Moose Doll - Tree
Reward: Coffee Mug Charm
Reward location: At the foot of the large moose statue.
Nursery Rhyme #1B
Chapter: Return 3 - Local Girl
Nursery Rhyme location: Next to the Radio Tower in the northeastern portion of the map.
Solution: Deer Doll - House
Reward: Deer Charm - Increases your resistance against being staggered or interrupted.
Reward location: Follow the smoke trail and check the deer's carcass. Watch out because several wolves will spawn.
Nursery Rhyme #1C
Chapter: Return 3 - Local Girl
Nursery Rhyme location: At the cliffside edge next to Watery's Lighthouse.
Dolls: Wise Elder Doll, Trickster Doll, and Mother Doll - Found at the porch in front of the Lighthouse door.
Solution: Wise Elder Doll - Eye; Trickster Doll - Waves
Lighthouse Charm - Enhances the capacity of health that can be stored in Safe Havens.
Reward location: To obtain this reward, you must trace the mysterious path leading from the Lighthouse until you reach the roadside area. Once there, you will come across a fallen tree trunk. Carefully crawl past it and collect the charm from the sandy shore.
To claim the reward for completing the Lighthouse Nursery Rhyme, you will need to retrace your steps along the mountain trail. However, it is important to note that you may have to delay your journey until the flood waters have subsided and it is safe to cross the area.
Chapter: Return 3 - Local Girl
Nursery Rhyme location: After successfully defeating the Overlap encounter at Coffee World and the subsiding of the flood waters, make your way back to Lighthouse Trailer Park. Head towards the end of the pier.
Dolls: Bear Doll and Child Doll - The Bear Doll is next to a sink, and the Child Doll is on a bench at the pier.
Solution: Bear Doll - Candy; Wise Elder Doll - Waves
Reward: Coffee World Token Charm - Increases the quantity and quality of resources found.
Reward location: Take out the Taken that appears and pick up the item from the sink.
Nursery Rhyme #2B
Chapter: Return 3 - Local Girl
Nursery Rhyme location: Once the flood waters have receded, check out the pier in Coffee World's Latte Lagoon area.
Solution: Deer Doll - Boat; Moose Doll - Waves; Trickster Doll - Jewelry
Reward: Mr. Drippy Charm - Increases damage dealt when you're low on health.
Reward location: One of the flotation devices will move closer to the dock. It has the charm that you can grab.
Nursery Rhyme #2C
Chapter: Return 3 - Local Girl
Location: Once the flood waters have subsided, head towards the Ranger Station situated north of Coffee World.
Dolls: Maiden Doll and Monster Doll - Discovered on a shelf within the living quarters on the second floor.
Solution: Bear Doll - Heart; Maiden Doll - Tree.
Reward: FBC Charm - Increases damage dealt against enemies that haven't detected you yet.
Reward location: Explore the second-floor quarters and check the bed for your reward.
Discover new areas on the map once the flood waters have subsided, including the exhilarating Latte Lagoon ride in Coffee World.
Nursery Rhyme #3A
Chapter: After Return 5 - Old Gods
In the Lighthouse Trailer Park, there is a house inaccessible through a locked gate. However, once you acquire the Bolt Cutters at the conclusion of Return 5 - Old Gods, you will be able to use them to open the gate.
Reward: Deerfest Charm - Greatly extends the duration before an enemy's Darkness Shield replenishes.
Reward location: Defeat the hostile taken that spawns and collect the charm from the dresser.
Nursery Rhyme #3B
Chapter: Return 3 - Local Girl or after Return 5 - Old Gods
The Nursery Rhyme is located in the building with the sign that reads "Saimi's Catch of the Day" at the back of the bar in Downtown Watery. Access to the room can be gained by using a Screwdriver to unlock the door. It is important to note that we came across this specific location for the Alan Wake 2 Nursery Rhyme later in the campaign. However, it is possible to solve the puzzle as early as Return 3 - Local Girl. The solution is as follows: The Maiden Doll is found in the house, and the Trickster Doll is located in the jewelry area.
Reward: Coffee Mug Charm
Reward location: Found in the mailbox outside the building.
It was not until later in the campaign that we discovered the presence of a Nursery Rhyme within this building located in Downtown Watery.
Bright Falls Nursery Rhymes and Dolls
In Bright Falls, there are only a few select Nursery Rhymes, all of which can be encountered while progressing through the No Chance and Old Gods chapters of Alan Wake 2's Saga.
A map showing the locations of the Nursery Rhymes in Bright Falls
Nursery Rhyme #1
Chapter: Return 4 - No Chance
Nursery Rhyme location: On a ridge due north of the hut/save point.
Solution: Mother Doll - House; Child Doll - Tree
Reward: Lantern Charm - Adds one charge to Saga's flashlight.
Reward location: Follow the shadowy footsteps and watch out for the Taken Wolf that appears.
Nursery Rhyme #2
After finishing the Overlap encounter at Valhalla Nursing Home, the Nursery Rhyme can be found in a hilly wooded area located to the south. Follow the path until you reach the Ranger's Station, where you can unlock the door with the Screwdriver.
Solution: Child Doll - House; Monster Doll - Candy
Reward: Coffee Mug Charm
To find this charm, you should follow the shadow markings on the floor. Exit through the door and you will notice that the footsteps lead back inside the house. Make your way to the second-floor bedroom and there you will discover the reward.
To make the shadow footsteps walk back to the second-floor bedroom, you need to step outside the Ranger Station. It's quite eerie, isn't it?
Nursery Rhyme #3
Chapter: Return 5 - Old Gods
Nursery Rhyme location: From the Ranger Station, follow the coastline until you see this Alan Wake 2 Nursery Rhyme.
Solution: Mother Doll - Boat; Child Doll - Jewelry; Monster Doll - Waves
Rewards: Valhalla Nursing Home Charm - Enhances the efficiency of Painkillers and Trauma Pads.
Location of the reward: A number of Taken creatures will appear from the shoreline. Eliminate them in order to securely acquire the charm.
Nursery Rhyme #4
Chapter: Return 5 - Old Gods
Nursery Rhyme location: Billie's Boat Yard can only be accessed after the flood waters have receded. You'll see this Nursery Rhyme on the pier.
Solution: Mother Doll - Waves; Monster Doll - Boat
Anchor Charm - Grants a chance to stun enemies upon activating the flashlight's boost.
Reward location: Follow the eerie footsteps back to the yard, but be wary as around five Taken enemies will materialize. Once they are defeated, the Anchor Charm can be found among the decaying boats in close proximity.
We have completed our Alan Wake 2 Nursery Rhymes and dolls guide. Remember, solving all these puzzles leads to a final secret, which we discuss in our Witchfinder's Station guide. Additionally, while searching for collectibles, be sure to check out our guides on the Alex Casey Lunchboxes and Cult Stashes. Rest assured, from Bright Falls to the Dark Place, we have you covered with our comprehensive guides hub.