Alan Wake 2 - Guide to Finding Taxidermy Deer Heads
Discover the hidden treasures of Alan Wake 2 as you explore the game's captivating world Seek out and interact with beautifully crafted mounted deer heads across Cauldron Lake, Bright Falls, and Watery locations to unlock exciting rewards
In Alan Wake 2, there is an abundance of collectible objects and notable locations. Among them is a specific element that demands your attention whenever you enter homes and buildings. Our guide focuses on the Taxidermy Deer Heads in Alan Wake 2, highlighting their placement and the opportunity to interact with them as Saga Anderson in order to achieve completion.
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Locations of Mounted Taxidermy Deer Heads in Alan Wake 2
Cauldron Lake Deer Heads
Deer Head #1
Bright Falls Deer HeadsDeer Head #1
Deer Head #2
Deer Head #3
Deer Head #4
Watery Deer HeadsDeer Head #1
Deer Head #2
Mounted Taxidermy Deer Head locations in Alan Wake 2
In our comprehensive guide for Alan Wake 2 Taxidermy Deer Head, we have categorized the content into different sections corresponding to the major zones you will encounter during Saga's storyline. We have also assigned numbers to each section based on the order in which we encountered them during our playthrough. Additionally, remember to visit Saga's Mind Place, where you can interact with the mounted deer on the wall. You may receive a response, such as "eight remaining," indicating the number of deer heads still to be found.
Cauldron Lake Deer Heads
Deer Head #1
Chapter: Return 2 - The Heart
Location: Witchfinder's Station - The solitary deer head found in Cauldron Lake can be located at the Witchfinder's Station situated in the farthest northwest corner of the map. It is important to be aware that this site also houses a concealed Nursery Rhyme puzzle.
Witchfinder's Station deer head in Cauldron Lake
Bright Falls Deer Heads
Deer Head #1
Chapter: Return 1 - Invitation
Location: Oh Deer Diner - From your initial visit to Bright Falls onwards, you will have the opportunity to explore the Oh Deer Diner. Don't forget to venture into the storage room located at the rear of the establishment, where you can discover an exquisite mounted deer.
Chapter 5: Old Gods
Location: Valhalla Nursing Home - Later in the campaign, you'll stumble upon the Taxidermy Deer Head from Alan Wake 2 in the lounge room on the second floor of Valhalla Nursing Home. Conveniently, this area also serves as a save point.
Deer Head #3
Chapter: Return 5 - Old Gods
In the same chapter, you will proceed to the adjacent Wellness Center where you will encounter a door lacking a doorknob and a security room. This location is extensively covered in our weapons guide, as it is where the Hunting Rifle can be found. To summarize, input the code 17-08-23 into the terminal to unlock the sliding doors.
Retrieve the doorknob from the desk of the receptionist.
You can use it to open the storage room that has both the Hunting Rifle and this mounted deer head.
Deer Head #4
Chapter: Return 5 - The Ancient Deities
Location: Ranger Station - Once the Overlap encounter is successfully resolved, and with the acquisition of the Bolt Cutters, you will gain the ability to venture through the southern region of Bright Falls. As you traverse the hilly forest, you will come across a Ranger Station situated conveniently before reaching Billie's Boat Yard and the main town.
Watery Deer Heads
Deer Head #1
Chapter: Return 3 - Local Girl
Acquire the Screwdriver from Coffee World at Lighthouse Trailer Park and successfully solve the puzzle at the Gift Shop. As a reward, you will obtain a key that grants access to the trailer park's gate. Keep an eye out for a mounted deer, situated inside Saga's old trailer.
Chapter: Return 3 - Local Girl
Location: Kalevala Knights Workshop - Make your way to the Kalevala Knights Workshop where you will come across a striking display of the Alan Wake 2 Taxidermy Deer Head positioned on a wall.
Deer Head #3
Chapter: Return 3 - Local Girl
Location: Ranger Station - After completing the Overlap encounter, the flood waters will subside, allowing you to visit the Ranger Station located to the north of Coffee World.
Here are the Taxidermy Deer Heads we have uncovered in Alan Wake 2 so far. We will keep you updated if we come across any others, so stay tuned. In the meantime, make sure to collect various items such as Alex Casey Lunchboxes, Cult Stashes, and Nursery Rhymes. Additionally, there is an item called the Mayor Setter Charm that reveals these items and points of interest on your map. Don't forget to grab it!
From Bright Falls to the Dark Place, danger lurks in every corner in Alan Wake 2. Don't worry because we've got everything covered in our guides hub.