Choosing Your Hogwarts House in Hogwarts Legacy- A Guide to the Houses and Their Distinctions
Discover the ultimate guide to selecting your House in Hogwarts Legacy! Uncover the intricacies of the Sorting Ceremony and explore the profound differences that await you in each House Choose wisely and embark on an enchanting journey like no other!
The Sorting Ceremony and choosing your House in Hogwarts Legacy
When it comes to choosing a House in Hogwarts Legacy, you might be unsure of which one to go with. Just like in the novels and movies, there are four Houses available: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While your personal preference plays a significant role, it's important to consider the differences among the options, such as the location of the common rooms and the exclusive quests you can undertake. Our Hogwarts Legacy Houses guide is here to assist you in making the right decision and understanding the variations.
The Sorting Ceremony and choosing your House in Hogwarts Legacy
During the early stages of the campaign in Hogwarts Legacy, you'll have the opportunity to select a House. This occurs after a detailed introductory chapter, leading up to the Sorting Ceremony. Once the Sorting Hat is placed on your character's head, you can make your choice based on the trait that best represents you, whether it's Daring for Gryffindor, Ambition for Slytherin, Curiosity for Ravenclaw, or Loyalty for Hufflepuff.
Please note that completing a Wizarding World quiz and linking your WB Games account can also have an impact on this. However, you have the freedom to make the desired changes according to your preference.
Right after that, your character's robes will automatically transform into the colors representing your House. For instance, Gryffindor robes will turn red, Slytherin robes will turn green, Ravenclaw robes will turn blue, and Hufflepuff robes will turn yellow. Following the cutscene, your character will awaken in their dormitory.
The Slytherin Common Room is situated beneath the ground in the dungeons, adorned with a coiled serpent.
Key differences once you choose your House
Here are the key distinctions you will encounter when selecting your House at Hogwarts Legacy:
Common Room location - The Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Common Rooms are situated in the towering quarters of their respective founders. Additionally, the Hufflepuff area is connected to the kitchens by means of a corridor. Finally, the Slytherin hub is nestled within the dungeons. Access to the Common Room is solely permitted to members of their respective Houses.
When it comes to aesthetics, color, and design, there are noticeable distinctions between the different locations. Gryffindor, for example, exudes a shimmering combination of red and gold. On the other hand, Slytherin, reflecting the founder's fondness for snakes, features a coiled serpent that gracefully moves around as one approaches the central area.
Furthermore, the uniforms in each House also reflect their unique aesthetic and design elements. Each uniform will have its own insignias or representations of animals that symbolize the specific House.
Classmates - As you continue on your journey, you will encounter and form friendships with various supporting NPCs who also belong to their respective Houses.
Exclusive quests - The distinct differences between the Houses are most evident in a handful of exclusive quests. At a specific point, you will be tasked with learning more about Jackdaw's Rest. However, the preceding section leading up to this will vary based on your chosen House. For example, Gryffindor players will assist Nearly Headless Nick and other ghosts in Hogsmeade, while Hufflepuffs will embark on a surprising trip to Azkaban.
The entrance to the Gryffindor Common Room is guarded by the Fat Lady. Are you familiar with the password? Each House is defined by its core value: Gryffindors are renowned for their bravery, Ravenclaws for their intelligence, Hufflepuffs for their loyalty, and Slytherins for their cunning. Understanding these qualities may also influence your decision.
In general, the progression of the campaign in Hogwarts Legacy remains unaffected by your House selection, except for a few exceptions such as exclusive quests. Essentially, you will only return to your hub when prompted by the game, like when you need to rest. Additionally, you can conveniently travel to most areas of the castle through Floo Flames, the game's fast travel mechanic, so you won't have to worry about covering long distances on foot just to reach different locations. However, there may be significant aspects to uncover later on, and we will update our guide accordingly.
The Ravenclaw hub is situated on the highest floor of a majestic tower.
If you happen to be a Hufflepuff, you've got yourself a welcoming and snug corner.
Hogwarts Legacy is the creation of Avalanche Software, a prominent subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Unfortunately, the game has become entangled in controversy following transphobic remarks made by the renowned Harry Potter author, JK Rowling. Despite not being directly involved in the game's development, Rowling stands to benefit from its success. Delve into our comprehensive article to gain insight into the profound impact of Rowling's comments on the transgender community. Within the article, you will discover valuable resources such as links to support talented transgender creators, as well as opportunities to contribute to charitable causes.
Editor's P/S
As a die-hard fan of the Harry Potter series, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to choose my own Hogwarts House in Hogwarts Legacy. After much deliberation, I decided to join the noble House of Gryffindor, known for its brave and courageous members. I was immediately drawn to the House's colors, scarlet and gold, and its mascot, the lion. The common room, located in Gryffindor Tower, is a cozy and welcoming space adorned with portraits of famous Gryffindors and the iconic Fat Lady guarding the entrance.
Throughout my time at Hogwarts, I felt a deep sense of pride and camaraderie with my fellow Gryffindors. The House's emphasis on bravery and standing up for what is right resonated deeply with me. I relished the opportunity to embark on exclusive quests and challenges alongside my fellow Gryffindors, such as assisting Nearly Headless Nick and other ghosts in Hogsmeade. These experiences not only strengthened my bond with my House but also allowed me to contribute to the greater good of the wizarding world.