Cesar Partners with Mars Petcare and Tripadvisor to Ease Pet Owners' Travel Worries

Cesar Partners with Mars Petcare and Tripadvisor to Ease Pet Owners' Travel Worries

A collaborative online platform supported by Cesar aims to address the worries of pet owners who hesitate to travel because of their beloved pets.

Mars Petcare and Tripadvisor Collaborate on Digital Travel Hub for Pet Owners

Mars Petcare has teamed up with Tripadvisor to create a co-branded digital travel hub specifically for pet owners. This exciting initiative is supported by Mars' popular dog food brand, Cesar.

Tripadvisor offers a travel-planning tool on their website and app. This tool provides guides for pet-friendly cities and uses artificial intelligence to help create itineraries. It also offers tips for businesses looking to improve their pet accommodations.

Cesar is working towards a brand mission introduced in 2022 to make the world more dog-friendly. Tripadvisor has plans to expand this initiative globally in the future.

Mars Petcare and Tripadvisor Addressing Pet Owners' Travel Concerns

Mars Petcare and Tripadvisor are working together to address the concerns of pet owners who find it challenging to travel with their pets. According to data provided by the companies, pet owners tend to go on vacations less often, with one-third of them having changed their travel plans because of the challenges of bringing their pets along.

The co-branded hub is starting off by targeting U.S. cities known for being pet-friendly like Miami, Austin, and Nashville. However, there are plans to expand to more global markets in the future. The partnership also aims to highlight businesses, especially since less than 1% of U.S. restaurants on Tripadvisor are labeled as pet-friendly. In addition to this, Tripadvisor will introduce a new award category to recognize the most pet-friendly hotels, with support from Cesar.

As the summer travel season kicks off, Tripadvisor is likely to see an increase in customers looking for pet-friendly travel options and local activities. This partnership could give Mars Petcare valuable insights into the shopping habits of consumers beyond pet store visits. It also helps strengthen the position of its Cesar line of dog food. Mars Incorporated's focus on digital and tech-forward marketing has been growing, as seen in the appointment of its first chief brand and experience officer last fall.

Natalia Ball, global chief growth officer of Mars Pet Nutrition, expressed the company's commitment to enhancing the pet parent experience through digital innovation and collaboration with partners like Tripadvisor. This partnership aims to leverage Mars' expertise and relationship with millions of pets and their parents who use their products annually.

In the marketing world, there is a growing trend of seeking partnerships with non-endemic brands to gain valuable insights into their target audience. For example, Corona partnered with Tripadvisor to offer travel guides and highlight its festival series, such as the 2024 Corona Sunsets Festival World Tour. This collaboration allows Corona to connect with consumers in a meaningful way.

Editor's P/S:

The collaboration between Mars Petcare and Tripadvisor is a testament to the growing importance of pet-friendly travel. With more and more people traveling with their furry companions, it is essential to provide them with the resources and information they need to have a safe and enjoyable experience. This partnership addresses the concerns of pet owners by offering a comprehensive digital travel hub that includes pet-friendly city guides, itinerary planning tools, and tips for businesses. It also aims to expand globally, highlighting pet-friendly businesses and recognizing hotels that go above and beyond in providing accommodations for pets.

This partnership is mutually beneficial for both Mars Petcare and Tripadvisor. Mars Petcare gains valuable insights into the shopping habits of consumers beyond pet store visits, while Tripadvisor strengthens its position as a leading provider of pet-friendly travel options. The growing trend of seeking partnerships with non-endemic brands in the marketing world is evident in this collaboration. By leveraging the expertise and reach of Mars Petcare, Tripadvisor can connect with a wider audience of pet owners and provide them with the information and resources they need to make their travel experiences more enjoyable.