Can 3D Games Help Improve Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder?

Can 3D Games Help Improve Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder?

A new study draws some interesting conclusions after testing if 3D games can help improve symptoms of major depressive disorder.


The relationship between video games and mental health has long been a subject of interest. Video games have been studied for their potential effects on aggression, intelligence, and now, mental health. A recent study has shed light on the potential benefits of 3D video games, particularly Super Mario Odyssey, in improving symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

Mario and Cappy from Super Mario Odyssey

Mario and Cappy from Super Mario Odyssey

The study, conducted by German researchers and published in the Frontiers of Psychology journal, aimed to investigate whether 3D video games could help reduce symptoms of MDD. Major Depressive Disorder is characterized by symptoms such as depressed mood, decreased motivation, and issues with memory. The findings of the study have sparked intriguing discussions about the role of video games in mental health treatment.

The study's results have significant implications for the treatment of MDD and have opened up new possibilities for incorporating video games into mental health therapy. This article explores the key findings of the study, the potential impact of 3D video games on mental health, and the future implications of this research.

The Impact of Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey, a popular Nintendo Switch game known for its innovative gameplay and captivating design, has been at the center of the recent psychological study on 3D video games and mental health. Despite its acclaim for gameplay and sales success, the study revealed a new dimension of the game's impact: its potential to improve mental health.

The unique mix of 3D and 2D platforming, along with the capture mechanic, has contributed to Super Mario Odyssey's reputation as a groundbreaking game. The study's findings have highlighted the positive effects of spending time with Super Mario Odyssey, particularly in relation to improving mental well-being.

The impact of Super Mario Odyssey on individuals suffering from MDD has been a focal point of the study. The game's ability to increase subjective well-being, motivation for treatment, and improve visuo-spatial memory functions has raised intriguing possibilities for integrating video games into mental health interventions.

Future Implications and Research

While the study's findings are promising, the researchers emphasize the need for further research and larger sample sizes to validate the results. The study's division of clinically depressed individuals into groups, including a video game group, treatment-as-usual group, and an active control group, provided valuable insights but also highlighted the importance of comprehensive research in this field.

The potential for 3D video games to be used in conjunction with regular treatment and therapy for MDD has been a significant takeaway from the study. The cost-effective nature of video game training and its potential to complement traditional therapy approaches is an area that warrants further exploration and development.

The study's authors also acknowledge the broader impact of research on 3D gaming and mental health. While Super Mario Odyssey has been a focal point, the study opens the door to exploring other video games and their potential benefits for mental health. The ongoing research in this area is crucial for understanding the role of video games in mental health interventions and treatment strategies.