Brittany Cartwright Opens Up About Setting Boundaries with Jax Taylor Post-Separation

Brittany Cartwright Opens Up About Setting Boundaries with Jax Taylor Post-Separation

'Vanderpump Rules' alum Brittany Cartwright discusses the challenges of maintaining boundaries with ex Jax Taylor after their February split, revealing the ongoing struggle to find mutual respect.

Brittany Cartright Says She Can t Be in the Same Room with Jax Taylor Right Now

Brittany Cartright Says She Can t Be in the Same Room with Jax Taylor Right Now

Brittany Cartwright, Jax Taylor. Getty Images (2)

Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor have had a tumultuous relationship, and according to the Vanderpump Rules star, they are currently facing challenges.

During a conversation with Tom Schwartz on her podcast, "When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany" on Friday, May 24, she described her marriage with Jax as "not great." In February of this year, Cartwright revealed that they had decided to separate after being married for four years.

She expressed, "I can't even stand being around him for too long right now. Last time you visited, you even mentioned, 'I forgot you guys were separated.' It's really unpredictable like that."

Schwartz, who is friends with both Cartwright and Taylor, observed that it looks like they do a good job of respecting each other's boundaries.

Cartwright expressed her disagreement, stating, "He hasn't done a good job respecting mine, that's for sure." She added, "But we gotta remember I'm the one that's living elsewhere and... I feel like I'm the one that's taking all the hard hits even though I was the one who had to leave."

In an attempt to avoid getting involved in the conflict between his friends, Schwartz tried to distance himself, either physically or mentally.

"I'm currently practicing transcendental meditation," he chuckled. "It feels like I've been transported to another place. I'm visualizing myself back in Florida, relaxing on the beach with a cold Corona Light in one hand, a shot of Patrón in the other, and just feeling content."

In the latest episode of The Valley, which aired on Tuesday, May 21, Cartwright and Taylor got into a disagreement. Cartwright was in her room, feeling unwell. She overheard Taylor suggesting to their friends that she might be sick due to having a drinking problem.

Jax was convinced that I was drinking, but I wasn't. My friends defended me, but he kept putting me down in front of everyone. This kind of behavior is common in our relationship - Jax doesn't mind arguing with me in public.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I stormed out of the room. The cameras were on me in an instant, and I poured out my heart.

Cartwright and Taylor continue to co-parent their 3-year-old son, Cruz. According to Schwartz, there is one key factor that stands out between the two parents.

Schwartz mentioned, "I really appreciate that there has never been any negativity or hostility around Cruz."

Cartwright agreed, adding that even when the two aren’t speaking, they will put their differences aside to talk about their son.

The Valley airs Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. ET on Bravo.

Editor's P/S:

Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor's relationship has been through the wringer, and it's clear that they are still facing serious challenges. Cartwright's admission that her marriage is "not great" and that she can't stand being around Taylor for too long is a testament to the strain that their relationship is under. It's also concerning that Cartwright feels like she's the only one taking the hard hits, despite being the one who had to leave.

While it's understandable that Schwartz would try to avoid getting involved in the conflict between his friends, his comments about transcendental meditation and visualizing himself on a beach come across as dismissive and insensitive. It's important for friends to be supportive and understanding, even when they don't agree with everything their friends do. It's also important to remember that Cartwright and Taylor are co-parenting a young child, and their relationship will have a significant impact on their son's life.