Breaking Down Night Swim's Ending

Breaking Down Night Swim's Ending

A detailed analysis of the ending of the horror movie Night Swim, including the pool lore, character sacrifices, and the potential for a sequel.

The Tragic Conclusion

Night Swim’s ending leaves the door open, but it also ends on a sad note. After Eve Waller drives to visit Rebecca’s mother, Kay, she learns that Rebecca’s death was no accident. The Waller’s pool was built above a spring that granted one’s heart’s desires, but it came with a sacrifice. Kay wished that her son, Thomas, would heal, so he could go on to do great things. Once possessed, Kay sacrificed Rebecca to the spring water. Horrified, Eve returned home only to find that Elliot had already been taken beneath the pool. Eve jumps in to save him while Izzy rushes inside to stop Ray, who is now possessed by the spring water. By this point, Ray will do anything to ensure Elliot is sacrificed, including fighting Izzy. Eve is able to find Elliot, but is attacked by the water spirits. Rebecca helps her and Eve is able to swim to the surface. But the spring water gets inside Elliot, and with Ray having expelled some of it himself, he decides to save his son and sacrifices himself in his place. Night Swim ends with the rest of the family deciding to stay in the house while watching dirt cover the pool.

Amélie Hoeferle takes a dive in the water in Blumhouse's Night Swim

Amélie Hoeferle takes a dive in the water in Blumhouse's Night Swim

Night Swim’s Pool Lore Explained Night Swim was different thanks to its pool, which fed from the spring water that was once, and still is, there. According to Kay’s possessed form, spring water was a form of magic. It acted like a wishing well in that it granted someone’s desires. But the spring water required a sacrifice in return, as it didn’t simply grant wishes for free. Someone had to keep giving. Before the desire is granted, however, the spring water had to come into contact with someone who had a powerful wish. The water was able to manifest an object that would lure people to it before trapping them. Ray was the first one in contact with the pool after seeing a floating baseball, and that’s when the spring water decided to give him what he wanted. Since the spring water is ancient, it’s unclear when the wish-granting began, but it has taken multiple victims over generations. Once a sacrifice was made, the person whose wish was fulfilled would go on to live a successful life, but the pool would never stop terrorizing families so long as it existed. Night Swim alludes to another family living there after Kay and Thomas moved out, but the pool remained unused because of Rebecca's drowning.

Elliot Waller freaks out during a swim in Night Swim

Elliot Waller freaks out during a swim in Night Swim

Why The Spring Water Chose Elliot As A Sacrifice Elliot was seen as less than. He struggled with baseball when it was easy for his dad, and Izzy was a great swimmer and excelled in other areas as well. Meanwhile, Eve was the rock of their family and had her own ambitions to teach special education. While the water had contact with the whole family before turning its full scare tactics on Elliot, he was chosen as a sacrifice because he was lacking where others weren’t. Elliot was considered a throwaway, whereas Ray was the all-star baseball player who could continue being successful if he could return to the sport. Elliot was never going to achieve that by comparison.

Ray Waller takes a midnight dip in Night Swim

Ray Waller takes a midnight dip in Night Swim

The Sacrifice and Its Impact

Why Ray Sacrifices Himself & What It Means For The Waller Family Ray sacrificed himself because he loved his family more than his baseball career. But it was difficult for him to give up his previous life, especially since he felt he no longer had the same purpose that his career in baseball gave him. Ray purging the spring water made him see things as clear as day, though, and he realized he couldn’t get his wish of playing baseball again if it meant Elliot had to die. Ray was a family man at the end of the day, and his son, regardless of feeling inferior in sports ability, was more important to him than anything else. Ray’s sacrifice devastated the family, and they’ll be left to grieve him while picking up the pieces of their life. Remaining in the house not only protected other families from the same fate, but it also ensured the Wallers could remain close to Ray’s presence, even if he was gone. Now that the pool no longer proved a threat, the Wallers would be able to go on with their lives, though it won’t be normal. They’ll always be looking over their shoulders, and will most likely have to answer questions about what happened to Ray. But Ray’s sacrifice also means his family is safe from harm.

Eve protects her children in Night Swim

Eve protects her children in Night Swim

The Reason Rebecca Helped Eve While The Other Spirits Didn’t Rebecca drowned in 1992, but Elliot heard her voice at one point during Night Swim. While the other spirits — likely all victims of the spring water over the years — were too far gone and corrupted by the water, Rebecca’s situation was similar to Elliot’s. Eve was doing what Kay never did: saving her child. Kay would’ve wanted to be saved by her mom. Rebecca sympathized with Elliot and Eve, and understood better than the other spirits what they were going through. Rebecca hadn’t received that same treatment from her mother, so it makes sense that she would help Eve save Elliot so the same thing wouldn’t happen to another child.

Izzy suspects something is wrong in Night Swim

Izzy suspects something is wrong in Night Swim

What The Spring Water Gains From Long-Term Possession Kay was still possessed by the spring water decades after Rebecca's drowning, even though it had already granted her wish. It’s possible the spring water maintains its control over people so they won’t be bogged down by guilt for the sacrifice they make to obtain their heart’s desire. Conversely, it could be that the spring water continuing to possess the wish recipients is simply its way to keep them in line. If Kay or Ray had walked away from the pool after having their wish granted, they could have told others about it, and the magical water may not have wanted to be overwhelmed with people wanting their wishes fulfilled.

Ray hears something creepy in Night Swim

Ray hears something creepy in Night Swim

The Aftermath and Reflection

How Night Swim's Ending Leaves The Door Open For A Sequel Ray may have sacrificed himself at the end of Night Swim, but the fact that his family remained in the house leaves the door open for a sequel to happen. After all, the Waller family could still be at risk of possession by the spring water. Just because they closed the pool and covered it in dirt doesn’t mean the water won’t travel through pipes in the house. What’s more, other people might take interest in what happened and decide to have an encounter with the pool themselves. A Night Swim sequel could ponder the aftermath of a family’s decision to stay after a sacrifice has already been made.

Gavin Warren stares at a pool spirit in Night Swim-1

Gavin Warren stares at a pool spirit in Night Swim-1

The Real Meaning Of Night Swim’s Ending Night Swim is all about change and the ways in which living in the past can greatly affect someone and their family. While the spring water may attempt to grant people their heart’s desire, the idea of getting what one wants comes with consequences. In the Blumhouse horror movie’s case, Ray’s unwillingness to leave his past life behind puts him in a vulnerable position and proves one good thing doesn’t always lead to another. He had to deal with health issues and lifestyle changes that pulled him out of his career, but the yearning for his previous life and the glory that came with it didn’t have a positive impact. It was also pushing him to shift his focus from the new life he now led. Night Swim ultimately underscores the importance of family and the willingness one must have to embrace the most unexpected situations life has to offer. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, and with all things magic and wishing, things don’t always turn out how one might expect.

The Waller family assesses the state of the pool in Night Swim-1

The Waller family assesses the state of the pool in Night Swim-1