Malignant, the 2021 horror film directed by James Wan, has become a household name for its unforgettable finale. The protagonist, Madison Lake-Mitchell (played by Annabelle Wallis), is pregnant and plagued by horrifying visions that take over her life. Alongside other notable horror releases of 2021 such as Saint Maud, Candyman, and Last Night in Soho, Malignant may not be without its flaws but it certainly manages to keep its audience engaged with its unexpected plot twists and overall entertainment value. With a captivating storyline from start to finish, horror enthusiasts are sure to appreciate Malignant's notable contribution to the genre.
What Is Malignant About?
The opening scene of Malignant takes us back to 1993 at Simion Research Hospital where Gabriel, a patient with the ability to move electricity with his mind, goes on a killing spree. While some viewers might find this scene random, the movie ties it back to the main plot later on, making it a worthwhile addition. Madison, the protagonist, is terrified of her abusive boyfriend Derek Mitchell and is also preparing to welcome her baby into the world. As the story progresses, we learn that Gabriel is actually Madison's parasitic twin, which explains her unsettling visions and the feeling that something has always been off. While this might be a common experience for some twins, Malignant exaggerates the horror of the situation to keep the audience on the edge of their seats.
James Wan's wife, Ingrid, introduced him to the concept of teratomas during her research on medical anomalies. Wan's mind immediately went to the most disturbing story he could come up with for a horror movie. The couple brainstormed ideas, leading to the development of the film's concept. Wan's focus was on turning the seed of an idea into a film that would allow him to experiment with practical effects that he hadn't used in a while. Despite opinions on the plot twist in Malignant, the movie cannot be disregarded as a horror film.
How Does Malignant End?
Madison's mind becomes her safe haven as she attempts to fend off Gabriel's murderous rampage against her loved ones. With a newfound awareness of her situation, she manages to regain control of her body and channel her inner strength to banish Gabriel to a place where he can no longer cause harm. In a gripping display of heroism, Madison saves her sister from a perilous situation at the hospital, proving that the human spirit can triumph over even the most terrifying of evils.
The conclusion of Malignant is bittersweet, with Madison and Sydney reaffirming their bond while acknowledging the trauma that has forever changed Madison. Despite the film's occasional campiness and exaggerated horror elements, it effectively illustrates how enduring trauma can manifest in surprising ways. This portrayal is a poignant reminder of the long-lasting effects of domestic violence and family struggles.
The theme of twins has been explored in a multitude of movies, but none have delved as deeply into the dark and unsettling territory as Malignant. The sight of Madison being subjected to abuse at the hands of her partner and then being possessed by Gabriel is truly chilling. Whether it's viewed as a thrilling horror or a bit too much for some, fans will be hard-pressed to forget this haunting tale.