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Created date 24/01/2024
Ninja Kamui is an upcoming original anime directed by Sunghoo Park, set to premiere on the Toonami block of Adult Swim on February 10, 2024. With its English-dubbed trailer already creating buzz, this...
Created date 31/10/2023
Demon Slayer's highly anticipated Mugen Train arc defies expectations as it makes its way to Cartoon Network's Toonami, overcoming previous concerns about cost
Created date 15/10/2023
Discover the captivating journey of anime on cable TV in the US Unveil the rise of Toonami and delve into the evolution of niche channels that shaped anime's enthralling path
Created date 23/06/2023
Despite being a flop in Japan, the anime series 'The Big O' found a surprising success in America, leading to Cartoon Network's decision to greenlight a second season Thanks to Toonami's popularity, t...