All posts - Tag: The Witness

All posts - Tag: The Witness

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Destiny 2 Player Plans to Fight The Witness With a Guardian Dressed as Ronald McDonald

A fearless Destiny 2 player has customized their Titan to look like Ronald McDonald in order to take on the game’s strongest enemy of the Light - The Witness. This creative approach to character custo...

Epic Destiny 2 Scene Blows Fan Art Away!

Destiny 2's latest cutscene revealing the origins of The Witness sparks controversy as it bears striking resemblances to a popular fan artwork, raising questions about originality and creative inspira...

Uncovering the Origins of Destiny 2's Ultimate Villain

Destiny 2 fans are buzzing about a leaked cutscene that uncovers the mysterious backstory of the game's top enemy, The Witness This reveal addresses long-standing questions and adds even more depth to...