A hidden surprise awaits Starfield players in its character creator - a clever Easter egg that references the popular Amazon Prime Video series, The Expanse Journey through the depths of the universe...
The Expanse: A Telltale Series - Episode 2 impressively builds on its predecessor, showcasing the profound consequences of players' minute choices A must-play continuation that flawlessly maintains th...
Experience the awe-inspiring Episode 1 of The Expanse: A Telltale Series, where exceptional performances, an enthralling narrative, and enhanced gameplay mechanics combine for a triumphant comeback by...
Discover all the elusive Data Logs in Episode 1 of Telltale's The Expanse, including the intriguing Artemis Diagnostics, Airlock Prep Log, and The Refrigerator Unravel the secrets of Urshanabi through...
Unveiling the enigmatic Protomolecule: its origin and awe-inspiring powers reshape The Expanse universe, evoking a sense of dread and wonder among characters and viewers alike
Deck Nine and Telltale's The Expanse developers delve into the challenges of creating a game that stays true to the acclaimed TV series in an interview with Game Rant
Deck Nine developers of Telltale's The Expanse reveal new suit and backpack designs in a Game Rant interview Discover the changes to the characters' appearances in this exciting new release