All posts - Tag: Star Wars Legends
The Epic Journey of Star Wars: KOTOR III and Its Evolution into a Gripping Novel
Explore the captivating saga of how the beloved Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III transformed into an enthralling novel, delving into the untold stories of iconic characters and the galaxy fa...
9 Unfinished Star Wars Legends Stories That Deserve a Resolution
Explore the untold tales of the Star Wars Legends universe with these unfinished stories that fans are eager to see completed. From canceled novels to unreleased games, these narratives hold the poten...
9 Significant Events in the Star Wars Legends Timeline After Return of the Jedi
Explore the pivotal events that shaped the Star Wars Legends timeline following the iconic film Return of the Jedi.
The Epic Tale of the Death Star Plans: From Legends to Canon
Exploring the captivating journey of the Rebel Alliance's theft of the Death Star plans, from the Star Wars Legends to the current canon, and the fascinating connections between Rogue One, A New Hope,...
The Unbelievable Twist: Why Captain Enoch Means' Death Defies Star Wars Canon
Exploring the artistic possibilities of Captain Enoch's involvement in Thrawn's death, this article delves into the intricate storyline of Star Wars Legends and examines how it differs from the curren...
The Epic Rise and Mysterious Fate of Thrawn in Star Wars Legends
Discover the captivating story of Thrawn, Leia, and Joruus C’baoth in Heir to the Empire Unveiling the events in Star Wars Legends and Canon, witness the fate of Thrawn Uncover the exciting adaptation...