Discover the recent surprising events that unfolded in the world of Shonen Jump, leaving fans and authorities on edge. From unauthorized leaks to copyright violations, the manga community is abuzz wit...
Get ready for an explosive showdown as Chainsaw Man chapter 153 unfolds! Nayuta confronts Denji after his hurtful remarks Discover the release date, where to read, recap of chapter 152, and exciting s...
Exciting times await fans of Weekly Shonen Jump manga in 2024! Get ready for a thrilling year with popular series like My Hero Academia, Kagurabachi, and more While the start may seem distant, we've g...
Discover the true essence of One Punch Man's popularity! Unveiling the impact of ONE's webcomic and Murata's manga on the phenomenon Unleash the power of unique storytelling and breathtaking art in th...
Get ready for explosive action in Chainsaw Man chapter 152 as Denji unleashes his long-awaited transformation Discover the release date, where to read, a chapter 151 recap, and thrilling speculation o...
Black Clover and Bleach dominate Shonen Jump App's 2023 most-read manga series list, showcasing their exceptional popularity and captivating storytelling
Bleach TYBW anime revolutionizes the manga scene, captivating fans worldwide as it storms back after a decade-long absence With its triumphant return, the series reignites its popularity, becoming a t...
Kagurabachi, the sensational manga from Shonen Jump, reaches new heights with its official Spanish translation, solidifying its potential as the next big hit Its memetic popularity further adds to its...