Discover the spine-chilling hilarity of Overwatch 2 as a player's perfectly timed clip captures a terrifying horror movie moment This serves as a reminder for support players to remain vigilant, even...
Overwatch 2's Season 5 rewards offer players a wealth of free content to enjoy While it's a welcome addition, some argue it doesn't address the game's underlying issues
Experience the ultimate Zenyatta power move in Overwatch 2 as players discover a thrilling glitch that allows them to kick their enemies through walls for an unexpected defeat
Overwatch 2's Pride Month event will not be available in certain countries due to the game's commitment to player safety and inclusivity Despite the ban, the event will still occur in other regions, s...
Overwatch 2 players are intentionally sabotaging Competitive matches in protest of Blizzard's canceled PvE plans Frustrated by the lack of updates, some players are taking their anger out on others by...
Discover the impressive achievement of an Overwatch player who played for 800 hours without dealing any damage This veteran player solely played as Mercy, a Support character focused on healing and ut...