All posts - Tag: Obi-Wan

All posts - Tag: Obi-Wan

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The Untold Reason Behind Obi-Wan's Decision in Revenge of the Sith

Unraveling the mystery of Obi-Wan Kenobi's choice to spare Anakin Skywalker in the iconic battle on Mustafar in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.

Unveiling the Untold Secrets: Obi-Wan's Shocking Disregard for Jedi Protocol in Attack of the Clones

Discover Obi-Wan's rule-breaking actions in Attack of the Clones as Star Wars delves into his unconventional methods, ultimately challenging traditional Jedi procedure Ahsoka's revelation sheds light...

Shocking Revelation: The Startling Truth Behind Obi-Wan's Fear for Luke Skywalker in ROTJ

Obi-Wan's secret fears for Luke's destiny are finally unveiled in Star Wars, shedding light on his monumental lie about Anakin Skywalker

The Epic Encounter: Obi-Wan's Unforgettable Encounter with Duchess Satine in Breathtaking Star Wars Fanart

Obi-Wan Kenobi's fateful encounter with Duchess Satine Kryze must be immortalized in canon, captivating fans with captivating fanart that brings their enthralling connection to life