Discover the pivotal role of Phillip Graves in the epic Modern Warfare storyline Uncover the potential impact of his return in Modern Warfare 3, as the trilogy's single-player narrative reaches its th...
Exciting rumors circulate around Modern Warfare 3, suggesting a potential return of beloved CoD features Brace yourself for the iconic Classic Mini-Map, Reload Canceling, the elusive Ninja Perk, thril...
Discover what the highly anticipated 2023's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 can learn from its predecessor, the iconic 2011 original Uncover the pivotal elements that should be left behind from the pre...
Call of Duty 2023 risks repeating the mistakes of the past if it follows in the footsteps of the poorly received Modern Warfare 3 The franchise must innovate and offer fresh gameplay to satisfy fans a...
Modern Warfare 3 must return to its roots and revive the beloved classic Spec Ops mode, as the recent attempts to innovate have failed to capture the essence of what made it so popular