All posts - Tag: Metaphor: ReFantazio

All posts - Tag: Metaphor: ReFantazio

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The Exciting Arrival of Two Beloved RPGs on the Nintendo Switch 2

Get ready for a thrilling adventure as two iconic RPGs are set to make their debut on the highly-anticipated Nintendo Switch 2. Fans of Atlus's captivating games will soon be able to immerse themselve...

Atlus's New RPG 'Metaphor: ReFantazio' and Its Impact on the Gaming Community

A deep dive into Atlus's upcoming RPG, Metaphor: ReFantazio, and its influence on the gaming landscape. The article explores the game's development, themes, and its significance within the context of...

The Secret Behind Persona 6: Decoding ReFantazio's Reveal

Is Persona 6's release being delayed due to the success of Metaphor: ReFantazio? This article explores the connection between the two games and what it could mean for fans eagerly awaiting the next in...

Unveiling the Biggest and Most Exciting RPG Yet: Exclusively on Xbox

Atlus surprises fans with the announcement of their newest RPG title and IP, Metaphor: ReFantazio, during the Xbox Games Showcase 2023 Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!