Delve into the secrets behind Lucasfilm's extensive search for Padme as over 200 actors auditioned. Despite 25 years passing since TPM, only one actor's identity has been revealed. Who is the mysterio...
Join the year-long celebration of the 25th anniversary of LEGO Star Wars with exciting announcements and festivities. Discover what's in store for fans of the iconic collaboration between the LEGO Gro...
A new report from scooper Jeff Sneider reveals the release schedule and exciting details about Lucasfilm's new Star Wars movies. From the rumored release order to Daisy Ridley's salary, there's a lot...
The Young Jedi Adventures heroes are facing intense and deadly challenges as they enter the High Republic era of the Star Wars timeline. With the second season set to take place during a time of crisi...
Lucasfilm has officially confirmed that Ahsoka season 2 is in active development, and fans are eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the Ahsoka Tano story. Here's what we know so far about Ahsoka s...
Exploring the unanswered question of whether Captain Rex made an appearance in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi and the rationale behind Lucasfilm's decision not to confirm it.
Zack Snyder approached Lucasfilm with an R-rated Star Wars movie idea, believing the franchise was vulnerable However, Lucasfilm rejected the proposal, leading Snyder to develop his concept into Rebel...
An uncanny resemblance! Explore how the filmmaker behind 'Now You See Me' presents an intriguing Star Wars pitch, reminiscent of the iconic 'Lone Wolf & Cub' concept Discover the unique twists and tur...