In a galaxy where the Force reigns supreme, a new droid emerges to guide Rey Skywalker in her quest to rebuild the Jedi Order. Meet Huyang, the ancient and wise droid who holds the key to the Jedi's h...
Discover the untold story of Jedi Masters Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann in the aftermath of Starlight Beacon's destruction, shedding light on the Jedi Order's aversion to attachments.
Delve into the untold story of The Phantom Menace and the fatal flaw of the Jedi. Explore the overlooked details and unravel the hidden truths behind the rise of the Sith and the downfall of the Jedi...
Exploring the complex and mysterious story of Quinlan Vos, a Jedi Master with a unique connection to the Force and a heroic role in the post-Order 66 era.